Collaborative research project between Volvo Cars USA & Sweden, UC Berkeley, and Chalmers University.
Team: Rajarathnam Balakrishnan, Francesco Piccoli, Maria Jesus Perez, Moraldeepsingh Sachdeo, Carlos Nuñez, Matthew Tang
Our project involved building an integrated end-to-end system for pedestrian intent detection. A subset of the components are used for each model.
- YOLOv3 -> Object detector: Responsible for identifying and detecting objects of interest in a given frame or image.
- SORT -> Object Tracker: Responsible for tracking the identified pedestrians for the sequence of frames and maintain unique IDs for each pedestrian.
- DeepSORT -> Object Tracker: Responsible for extracting features from the tracked pedestrian to enhance re-identification of the identified and tracked pedestrian even through occlusions.
- Early Fused Skeleton -> Skeleton mapping: Responsible for mapping skeletons for each tracked pedestrian.
- Spatio-Temporal DenseNet -> Classifier: Responsible for classifying every identified and tracked pedestrian's intention by using the last 16 frames of a pedetrian.
For more detailed information about each model and the different components, click here to see the website (made with ReactJS and MaterialUI). Click here for the website source code.
- Folder useful to hold weights and checkpoints/data
- Consists file for class name/deep_sort
- DeepSORT algorithm/images
- Images and GIFS for the README/SORT
- Additional file for SORT/tf-pose-estimation
- Skeleton fitting algorithm files/yolov3_tf2
- Yolov3 algorithm files/yolov3_tf2.egg-info
- Yolov3 additional files.gitignore
- Ignore misc files like .DS_Storedensenet_1.hdf5
- Weights for ST-DenseNet that uses original imagesdensenet_2.hdf5
- Weights for ST-DenseNet that uses skeleton imposed imagesdensenet_model.json
- Saved ST-DenseNet Model file in json formatLICENSE
- MIT License for this repomars-small128.pb
- Protocol buffer weight file for DeepSORTModel A.ipynb
- Google colab file for Model A demoModel B.ipynb
- Google colab file for Model B demoModel C.ipynb
- Google colab file for Model C demoModel D.ipynb
- Google colab file for Model D
- Instructions on how to use this
- SORT algorithm
The code was developed and run on Google Colab (online iPython notebooks). Each model has its own Colab notebook. Follow each of the steps to configure and run the notebooks.
- Click on the appropriate model's Colab button you wish to run. This will open a Colab notebook in your browser.
- Ensure that you are in playground mode if you cannot edit the notebook. The following steps are included in each colab notebook but are repeated here as well.
- Connect runtime to GPU for better/faster results. (Runtime --> Change runtime type --> GPU)
- Clone the repository in a notebook cell.
!git clone
- Install dependencies in a notebook cell.
%cd Volvo-DataX/tf-pose-estimation
! pip3 install -r requirements.txt
%cd tf_pose/pafprocess
! sudo apt install swig
!swig -python -c++ pafprocess.i && python3 build_ext --inplace
- Add this Google Drive folder of weight files as a shortcut My Drive (Click the bar that says
as the folder name at the top and click Add shortcut to Drive) - Run the rest of the notebook cells (Shift + Enter) following further directions specific to each model and observe the output
Model A uses the following components:
- YOLO -
- SORT -
- DenseNET -
Model A uses the following components:
- YOLO -
- DeepSORT -
- DenseNET -
Model A uses the following components:
- YOLO -
- SORT -
- Skeleton -
- DenseNET -
Model A uses the following components:
- YOLO -
- DeepSORT -
- Skeleton -
- DenseNET -
For this project, we adapted codes for each components from other GitHub repos as mentioned below:
The codes for YOLOv3 was adapted from the GitHub repo:
The codes for SORT was adapted from the GitHub repo:
The codes for DeepSORT was adapted from the GitHub repo:
The codes for Skeleton FittingTF-PoseEstimator was adapted from the GitHub repo:
The codes for ST-DenseNet was adapted from the GitHub repo: