This custom element allows for users to build charts/graphs within, and save those charts to be displayed on their app's front-end.
It was built using the's Custom Element Starter code and Chart.js.
Netlify has made this easy. If you click the deploy button below, it will guide you through the process of deploying it to Netlify and leave you with a copy of the repository in your GitHub account as well.
This custom element requires no JSON parameters, so the parameters input can be left empty.
This custom element saves the user's chart as a data URI in the 'valueKey' property, as well as their selections in the 'userSelections' property. Example output (the data URI has been shortened for sake of the example):
"valueKey": "",
"type": "pie",
"chartTitle": "People's Favorite RGB Color",
"dataLabels":["Number of Votes for Red","Number of Votes for Green","Number of Votes for Blue"]",
"data": ["50","31","66"],
"dataProps": {
"dataColor": ["#fa0000","#00db1a","#00a4eb"]
The 'valueKey' value will need to be parsed, and then it can be used to set the 'src' attribute of an <img>
tag. If you're interested in the interactivity that Chart.js provides, as opposed to the static image of the chart, then the 'userSelections' values can be used in your front-end with Chart.js to create the chart, as shown in the 'chart-preview' component.