It contains 5 tests: 4 happy paths and 1 error path.
Step 1
: Create a folder playwright-bbc-e2e and enter “code .”Step 2
: On VSCode, search for the extension “PlayWright Test for VSCode–Microsoft” and then installStep 3
: On VSCode, press Cntrl+Shift+P in Windows, and then enter “Install PlayWright on palette.” Choose: Chromium, Firefox, WebKit, and JavaScript.Step 4
: Install a prettier npm install -D prettierStep 5
: Update playwright.config.js, rename the tests folder to e2e, add a timeout, Only for Chrome: Update headless to be false.Step 6
: Update the package.json. Add commands under scripts.
There is one spec file in the e2e folder:
: This spec file contains the scenarios to test the BBC website.
In order to execute scripts, simply run:
- Gitbash
npm install
npm run test (produce an HTML report in playwright-report/index.html)
npm run test:chrome (To run tests only on the Chrome browser)
- Develop many helpers.
- Consider a modular approach.
- Consider page object models to keep common locators.
- Consider PlayWright's best practises.