Recent(ish) projects
- Recent drug overdose mortality decline compared with pre-COVID-19 trend in JAMA Network Open
- Quantifying exposure to wildfire smoke among California school kids in JAMA Network Open
- Excess physician mortality in JAMA Internal Medicine
- Excess external causes of death during COVID-19 in JAMA Internal Medicine
- Excess drug poisonings in California during COVID-19 in The Lancet Regional Health Americas
- The dynamics of racial/ethnic inequities during COVID-19 in PNAS
- Black/white opioid inequities in Journal of Urban Health
- Urban/rural disparities in distance to opioid treatment in Drug and Alcohol Dependence
- COVID-19 and airline testing strategies in The Lancet Infectious Diseases
- Opioid prescribing patterns in BMJ
- Opioid mortality across states in JAMA Network Open
- Medical school statements after George Floyd's murder in Annals of Epidemiology
Projects I participated in (but are not my code repositories)
- Estimating youth experiencing parental deaths due to drugs or firearms by Ben Schlüter in JAMA
- Estimating lead exposure among children in Chicago by Ben Huynh in JAMA Pediatrics
Random side projects
- Counting the number of times they say "family" in the Fast and Furious movies
- Using Oura data to look at how COVID-19 impacted me
- Scraping data on SF public schools
- Increasing profanity in Taylor Swift's discography
- Simulating Candyland rules for toddlers
- Shiny app for SEIR / SIR infectious disease models
Random Shiny Apps