Microscopy images of cytoskeletal, nucleoskeletal, and other filamentous structures contain complex junctions where multiple filaments with distinct orientations overlap, yet state-of-the-art software generally uses single orientation analysis to segment these structures. We describe an image analysis approach to simultaneously segment both filamentous structures and their intersections (of arbitrary geometry) in microscopy images, based on analytically resolving coincident multiple orientations upon image filtering in a manner that balances orientation resolution and spatial localization.
"Adaptive Multi-Orientation Resolution Analysis of Complex Filamentous Network Images"
Mark Kittisopikul1,2, Amir Vahabikashi2, Takeshi Shimi2,3, Robert D. Goldman2, and Khuloud Jaqaman1,4
- Department of Biophysics, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390
- Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL 60611
- Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan
- Department of Bioinformatics, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75390
MATLAB 2017a or later
- Optimization Toolbox
- Signal Processing Toolbox
- Image Processing Toolbox
- Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox
- Curve Fitting Toolbox
- Bioinformatics Toolbox
- Parallel Computing Toolbox
- MATLAB Distributed Computing Server
See https://www.mathworks.com/support/requirements/matlab-system-requirements.html for operating system and hardware requirements.
Git (version 2.2 or later) for installation (Alternatively, download a zip file)
Typical Install Time: 5 minutes
There are several options to install the software.
- Download AROS.mlappinstall
- Double click on the file to install as a MATLAB App
!git clone https://github.com/mkitti/AdaptiveResolutionOrientationSpace
The following methods do not require an existing MATLAB install.
- Download AROS_Installer_web.exe
- Execute the installer which will download the MATLAB Compiler Runtime 2017a (~1 GB)
- Download standaloneAROS.zip
- Unzip the files
- Download and install the MATLAB Compiler Runtime 2017a from http://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/mcr/index.html
A graphical user interface now allows for analysis of single frames of any bioimage compatible with Bio-Formats 5.9.2
- First select a bioimage file by selecting the "Browse for Image File ..." button.
- If there are multiple images within the file use the z, c, and t spinner controls to select the desired plane of the image file to analyze.
- Press the "Preview Mask" button to show the mask that the analysis software will use.
- If the mask is smaller than the intended area of analysis, do one or more of the following increase the mask dilation disk radius to increase the analysis area and/or selecting the "Fill Holes in Mask" checkbox.
- Select "Run Analysis" to start the analysis process.
- Data will be saved to AROS_Output.mat
- Adjust the order to select the highest orientation resolution. Higher orientation resolution will allow for angles to be more clearly separated at the potential cost of spatial localization. Lower orientation resolution will help to spatially confine the analysis.
- Adjust sigma to tune the width of the filter. A smaller width will allow the analysis to discover finer lines. A larger width will focus the analysis on courser lines.
- Changing the thresholding method to Rosin will produce better thresholds for images with unimodal histograms.
- Changing the Mask Type allows for explicit control over the mask: 4a. Select Mask Type "ROI mask" and then select "Browse for Mask" to restrict the analysis to within a particular area using an external binary image where the white pixels indicate the area of interest. 4b. Select Mask Type "NLMS mask" to directly set the analysis area using a external binary image where the white pixels indicate the area to be analyzed. 4c. Select Mask Type "No Mask" to analyze the entire image. This may slow if the image is large.
Perform adaptive resolution orientation space segmentation. This is the main driver function that performs the full segmentation as described in Section S6 and illustrated in Figure S4.
The only required input is a 2D image. The other two basic inputs, which are optional, allow analysis customization.
I - (required) image
Type: 2D numeric matrix, non-empty, N x M
order - (optional), K_h parameter that determines the highest *K* value used for initial filtering via OrientationSpaceFilter
Type: Numeric, scalar
Default: 8
sigma - (optional), scale parameter setting the radial bandpass in pixels
central frequency, f_c, of the bandpass filter will be 1/(2*pi*sigma)
Type: Numeric, scalar
Default: 2 (pixels)
adaptLengthInRegime - Adapt the resolution with the highest regime by searching for the maxima with the smallest derivative with respect to *K*;
Type: logical
Default: true
meanThresholdMethod - Function to determine threshold of mean response
Type: char, function_handle
Default: @thresholdOtsu
mask - Binary mask the same size as I to limit the area of processing
Type: logical
Default: []
nlmsMask - Override mask for NLMS processing. N x M
Type: logical
Default: [] (Calculate mask using mean filter response)
nlmsThreshold - Override attenuated mean response threshold to apply to NLMS
Type: numeric, 2D
Default: [] (Use AMOR)
useParallelPool - Logical if parallel pool should be used
Type: logical
Default: true
maskDilationDiskRadius - Disc structure element radius in pixels to dilate the mask calculated from the mean response
Type: numeric
Default: 3
maskFillHoles - Logical indicating if holes should be filled in the nlmsMask. True indicates to holes should be filled.
Type: logical
Default: false
maskOnly - Only generate the mask and return the mask instead of the response. Useful for mask previews.
Type: logical
Default: false
diagnosticMode - True if diagnostic figures should be shown
Type: logical, scalar
Default: false
K_sampling_delta - Interval to sample K when using adaptLengthInRegime
Type: numeric, scalar
Default: 0.1
responseOrder - K_m, orientation filter resolution at which to calculate the response values;
Type: numeric, scalar
Default: 3
bridgingLevels - Number of bridging steps to complete. A value of 1 or 2 is valid.
Type: numeric, scalar
Default: 2
suppressionValue - Value to assign to pixels that are suppressed in the NMS/NLMS steps
Type: numeric, scalar
Default: 0
filter - OrientationSpaceFilter object instance to use, overrides order and sigma parameters; Used to share filter initialization between many function calls
Type: OrientationSpaceFilter
Default: Create new filter based on order and sigma inputs
response - OrientationSpaceResponse object to use, overrides order, sigma, and filter; used to share filter response between many function calls.
Type: OrientationSpaceResponse
Default: Convolve filter with the response to calculate the response
These parameters allow some of the output in the struct other, below, to be fed back into the function in order to obtain the full output of the function. The purpose of this is so that the full output can be regenerated from a subset of the output that has been saved to disk, or otherwise serialized, without the need for complete re-computation.
maxima_highest - numeric 3D array
K_highest - numeric 3D array
bridging - struct array
nlms_highest - numeric 3D array
nlms_single - numeric 2D array
See OUTPUT for detailed descriptions of the above.
Also note that the StructExpand option of the builtin inputParser is set to true, meaning that the named parameters can be passed in using a struct.
The main output of the function is the response-weighted segmentation as outlined in Section S6.
This is the 3rd output, nms, as described below.
For a binary segmentation, the 2D map nms can be thresholded by a single threshold (e.g. nms > 0
or by a threshold map such as meanResponse or attenuatedMeanResponse in the output struct other.
Along with this, the orientations, theta, and corresponding response values at K = Km are provided as the 2nd and 1st outputs, respectively. These facilitate use of the function as an orientation detector. This is meant to mimic the outputs provided by the steerableDetector MATLAB function available from François Aguet or as part of Filament Analysis Software.
response - Orientation filter response values at resolution K = K_m corresponding to the maxima in theta
Type: 3D numeric array of dimensions N x M x T. T corresponds to the largest number of maxima found at any pixel in the image.
theta - Contains the orientation local maxima detected at each pixel.
Type: 3D numeric array of dimensions N x M x T. T corresponds to the largest number of maxima found at any pixel in the image.
nms - Response-weighted segmentation output (analogous to non-maximum suppression output of previous analyses)
Type: 2D numeric array of dimensions N x M
The fourth output, angularResponse, is the sampled orientation responses at K = Kh and is again meant for compatibility with steerableDetector. The angularResponse can be used to construct an OrientationSpaceResponse below. This can be used to perform further analysis of orientation space including for lower resolutions (K < Kh).
angularResponse - Filter responses corresponding to equiangular 2K_h+1 samples at resolution K = K_h
Type: 3D array of dimensions N x M x 2K_h+1
The fifth output, other, is a structure that contains fields referring to intermediate results created throughout the analysis process. Importantly, this contains information about the three AR-NLMS branches employed for segmentation. Because of the maximum response projections performed at various stages of the algorithm, this information is not readily extracted from the prior outputs. The information in other can be used to determine in which step of the procedure a pixel was added or excluded from the final output. Additionally, the orientation information could be used for more precise localization operations.
other - Struct containing the following fields for lower-level analysis and serialization
.nlms_highest - AR-NLMS using highest regime maxima using K = K_m responses
Type: 3D numeric array of dimensions N x M x (T-1)
.nlms_highest_mip - Maximum response projection of nlms_highest
Type: 2D numeric array of dimensions N x M
.maxima_highest - Orientation local maxima at highest regime
Type: 3D numeric array of dimensions N x M x (T-1)
.K_highest - K values corresponding to maxima in maxima_highest
Type: 3D numeric array of dimensions N x M x (T-1)
.maxima_single_angle - Orientation maximum at Regime 0
Type: 2D numeric array of dimensions N x M
.nlms_single - NLMS using maximum_single_angle and K = K_m responses
Type: 2D numeric array of dimensions N x M
.nlms_single_binary nlms_single thresholded using the attenuatedMeanResponse
Type: 2D logical array of dimensions N x M
.meanResponse - Mean orientation filter response
Type: 2D numeric array of dimensions N x M
.attenuatedMeanResponse - meanResponse attenuated by neighborhood occupancy
Type: 2D numeric array of dimensions N x M
.nlmsMask - Logical mask of the area where the segmentation was analyzed
Type: 2D logical array of dimensions N x M
.params - Struct containing the input parameters
Type: Struct
.nlmsR NLMS using maxima from the highest regime and from regime 0 using the filter response at K = K_h
Type: 3D numeric array of dimensions N x M x T
.nlmsR_mip_binary Maximum response projection of nlmsR thresholded by the attenuatedMeanResponse
Type: 2D logical array of dimensions N x M
.bridging A structure array with a length of 2. First element of the array corresponds with the first bridging step. The second element of the array corresponds with the second bridging step.
.full_binary - (Top input) Array with true values indicating a superset of pixels in the final segmentation
Type: 2D logical array, N x M
.consensus_binary - (Left input) 2D logical array containing a subset of pixels used in bridging
Type: 2D logical array, N x M
.segments - Connected components to connect together with bridges
Type: 2D integer array, N x M
.fragments - Pixels in which to search for bridges between segments
Type: 2D integer array, N x M
.bridges - Pixels added to connect segments
Type: 2D logical array, N x M
.bridgedSkeleton - 2D logical array, output of the bridging procedure, where the segments have been connected with the bridges and have been subjected to morphological skeletonization
In summary, the outputs allow for basic usage as a segmentation scheme (nms) and orientation detector (response, theta, angularResponse), and for advanced usage as an intermediate routine for further analysis of the identified multi-resolution features (other).
% Create demo image
demo = zeros(256);
demo(128,:) = 1;
demo = max(imgaussfilt(demo,2),imgaussfilt(eye(256),2));
demo = imnoise(mat2gray(demo),'gaussian',0.1,0.01);
% Run basic segmentation analysis
[res,theta,nms] = steerableAdaptiveResolutionOrientationSpaceDetector(demo);
figure; imshow(nms,[]);
% Overlay orientations
xlim(128+[-10 10]);
ylim(128+[-10 10]);
OrientationSpaceFilter represents a filter that is polar separable in the Fourier domain. It is used internally by steerableAdaptiveResolutionOrientationSpaceDetector but can be used independently.
F = OrientationSpaceFilter(f_c,b_f,K);
F = OrientationSpaceFilter.constructByRadialOrder(f_c,K_f,K);
- f_c is the central frequency of the filter
- b_f is the frequency bandwidth
- K is the order of the filter that determines orientation resolution
- K_f is the radial frequency order, f_c^2/b_f^2. This is 1 in this work.
The following two examples are equivalent with f_c = b_f = 1/(4*pi), K_f = 1, and K = 8
F = OrientationSpaceFilter(1./2/pi./2,1./2./pi./2,8);
F = OrientationSpaceFilter.constructByRadialOrder(1/2/pi./2,1,8);
%% I is just an ordinary image loaded via imread or via BioFormats
% I = imread('image.tif')
I = demo;
R = F*I;
R is an OrientationSpaceResponse object instance
% Setup filter for 256 x 256 image
% Show Fourier domain representation
figure; imshow(F,[]);
% Show image domain representation
figure; objshow(F,[]);
OrientationSpaceResponse represents a filter response. It is used internally by steerableAdaptiveResolutionOrientationSpaceDetector, but can be used independently to examine the filter response.
A response object is usually created by an OrientationSpaceFilter as above.
R = OrientationSpaceResponse(filter,angularResponse)
- filter is an OrientationSpaceFilter
- angularResponse is a 3D array, N x M x 2K+1
maxima_highest = R.getRidgeOrientationLocalMaxima();
res_highest_K8 = R.interpft1(maxima_highest);
nlms_highest_K8 = R.nonLocalMaximaSuppressionPrecise(maxima_highest);
figure; imshow(max(res_highest_K8,[],3),[]);
figure; imshow(max(nlms_highest_K8,[],3),[]);
R3 = R.getResponseAtOrderFT(3,2);
res_highest_K3 = R3.interpft1(maxima_highest);
nlms_highest_K3 = R3.nonLocalMaximaSuppressionPrecise(maxima_highest);
figure; imshow(max(res_highest_K3,[],3),[]);
figure; imshow(max(nlms_highest_K3,[],3),[]);
Rd = R.getDerivativeResponse(1);
% Should close to zero
der_highest_K8 = Rd.interpft1(maxima_highest);
figure; imshow(der_highest_K8(:,:,1),[]);
Copyright (C) 2019, Jaqaman Lab - UT Southwestern, Goldman Lab - Northwestern
This file is part of AdaptiveResolutionOrientationSpace.
AdaptiveResolutionOrientationSpace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
AdaptiveResolutionOrientationSpace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AdaptiveResolutionOrientationSpace. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
Christian Knapp has ported some of the code to Python: https://github.com/krizzodil/PythonOrientationSpaceResponse