Releases: mkjung99/pyc3dserver
PyC3Dserver 0.2.0
This version include 3 new functions:
get_fp_output() - to get the force plate output including the resultant forces, moments and COP (Center of Pressure)
export_trc() - to export a TRC file which is compatible with OpenSim for marker information
export_mot() - to export a MOT file which is compatible with OpenSim for force plate information
PyC3Dserver 0.0.10
1) Applied more try-except statements in order to handle exception cases better
2) Following functions are updated:
multi-dimensional values will be reshaped based on their dimensions
there is a new option "adjust_params" in order to adjust related parameters' lengths to be consistent with POINT:USED parameter
there is a new option "adjust_params" in order to adjust related parameters' lengths to be consistent with ANALOG:USED parameter
added more options "search_span_offset" and "min_needed_frs" to be more similar to VICON NEXUS's pattern gap filling function
3) Following functions are added:
get_group_params(): "Return desired parameter values under a specific group"
get_fp_params(): "Return desired parameter values under the 'FORCE_PLATFORM' group"
resize_char_type_param(): "Resize a char type parameter's first dimension"
auto_adjust_params(): "Adjust several group parameters' items automatically, especially for POINT and ANALOG groups"
add_group(): "Add a group"
add_param(): "Add a parameter under the specified group"
PyC3Dserver 0.0.9
Minor updates
- Update on version number: 0.0.8
- Update on authors
- Update on acknowledgement: EU H2020 Project EXTEND under grant agreement No 779982
- Application of exception handling procedures inside several module functions
PyC3Dserver 0.0.7
Minor update.
PyC3Dserver 0.0.2
Python interface of C3Dserver software for reading and editing C3D motion capture files.
PyC3Dserver is a python interace of C3Dserver using PyWin32.
PyC3Dserver can be installed from PyPI using pip
on Python>=3.7.
pip install pyc3dserver
C3Dserver x64 edition (for Windows x64 platforms) installation: