this is the code used for a voucher pool challenge test
PHP version >= 7.1
this application is using docker to create containers and run the application, so if you haven't it's not a problem just create a database, run the migrations and update your settings on .env file
- clonning and install dependencies
git clone
cd voucher-pool
composer install
cp .env.example .env # just if the post install don't generate the .env file
docker-compose up -d
docker ps # checking if containers are up
docker container exec -it voucherpool-app php artisan migrate
after running the commands above you will be able to use the api with endpoints
GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/vouchers/from-recipient?
GET http://localhost:8080/api/v1/vouchers/check?code=dummycodehere
POST http://localhost:8080/api/v1/vouchers/generate see the documentation at apidoc folder to check the required parameters
P.S. there is a postman collection voucher-pool-postman.postman_collection.json the could be imported test the api
there are some useful scripts into the composer.json file you can just do:
docker container exec -it voucherpool-app composer test:all
docker container exec -it voucherpool-app composer test:unit path/to/testClass
docker container exec -it voucherpool-app composer testdox