##News picker
Newspicker app website could be found here: [mkozhukharenko.github.io/newspicker] 1
Application provide next functionality:
- getting news by date (using calendar);
- sorting received news by categories;
- searching through received news (filter them);
- get detailed news (pick one from received);
Application's been made using:
- angular 1.3.14 (plus resource, route, sanitize)
- angular UI: bootstrap
News is retrieving from the The guardian using theirs APIs.
js/ --> the view1 view template and logic
app.js --> main application modulee
controllers.js --> the controller logic
servises.js --> the servises
css/ -->
app.css --> default stylesheet
partials/ --> the view template
header.html --> the header template
news-details.html --> the detailed news template
news-list.html --> the list news template
index.html --> the main html