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Quick Start Guide for SAM D21

mksong-atmel edited this page Sep 4, 2015 · 3 revisions

Install and Configure the SDK

  • You will need an Atmel SAM D21 Xplained Pro board, an Atmel ATWINC1500 XPRO board, a micro-USB cable, a computer running Windows, and Atmel Studio.

  • Download the Atmel Studio< > and install it.

  • Connect the WINC1500 board to the EXT1 of the D21.

  • Connect the DEBUG USB of the D21 board to Windows PC.

  • Open samd21\samples\quick_start\quick_start.atsln file. For your information, the firmware version of the WINC1500 should be 19.2.1. Please refer to this link.

  • In main.c file, at beginning of the main() function, change the following three lines to configure your WiFi.

char ssid[] = "YOUR_NETWORK_ID";
char pw[] = "YOUR_NETWORK_PASS";
// 0 - no security, 1 - WEP, 2 - WPA
int secType = 2;
  • Paste the following line and edit the parseInitialize function In the main() function.
parseClient = parseInitialize(“YourApplicationId”, “YourClientId”);
  • Build and upload the project to the D21 board.

  • After uploading successfully, choose ‘Start Without Debugging (Ctrl+Alt+F5)’.

#Save an Object

Copy and paste the following parseSendRequest function after the parseInitialize.

parseSendRequest(parseClient, "POST", "/1/classes/TestObject", "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}", requestCallback);

Build, upload and run your project. A new object of class TestObject will be sent to the Parse Clould and saved.

#Send Push Notifications

Add the following lines instead of parseSendRequest function in the main function.

parseSetInstallationId(parseClient, "YourInstallationId");
parseSetPushCallback(parseClient, pushCallback);

Add pushCallback function somewhere else in the main.c file. When you receive a push message, the pushCallback will be called.

void pushCallback(ParseClient client, int error, const char* data)
    if (0 != error) {
        printf("pushCallback / error code %d / Error !!!!!\r\n", error);

    printf("pushCallback : 0x%x, %s\r\n", client, data);

Build, upload and run your project. If you send a push on Parse web, the D21 will get the message.

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