pycloud is the Python-based Cloudlet Server component of KD-Cloudlet, an infrastructure for VM-based cyber-foraging. The three main components of pycloud are:
- Cloudlet API: runtime component that manages computation offload requests from mobile devices. It includes capabilities to provide cloudlet metadata to cloudlet clients for use in cloudlet selection algorithms.
- Cloudlet Manager: web-based application for visualizing and managing Service VMs on a cloudlet
- Service VM creation, edit and deletion
- Service VM import and export
- Service VM instance start, stop and migration
- Cloudlet-ready app repository (i.e., app store)
- Discovery Service: cloudlet broadcast mechanism based on zeroconf
Cloudlets are discoverable, generic, stateless servers located in single-hop proximity of mobile devices, that can operate in disconnected mode and are virtual-machine (VM) based to promote flexibility, mobility, scalability, and elasticity. In our implementation of cloudlets, applications are statically partitioned into a very thin client that runs on the mobile device and a computation-intensive Server that runs inside a Service VM. Read more about cloudlets at
KD-Cloudlet comprises a total of 7 GitHub projects:
- pycloud (Cloudlet Server)
- cloudlet-client (Cloudlet Client)
- client-lib-android (Library for Cloudlet-Ready Apps)
- client-lib (Java REST Client Library)
- android-logger (SLF4J Logger for Android)
- speech-server (Test server: Speech Recognition Server based on Sphinx)
- speech-android (Test client: Speech Recognition Client)
Packaging and installation instructions are available at
- debian/: files needed to create a .deb installer.
- discovery/: configuration files to enable Cloudlet discovery through avahi-daemon.
- libusb/: configuration files needed to enable USB communication.
- pycloud/: the actual code for the Cloudlet Manager and API.
- radius/: configuration files needed for FreeRADIUS to auto-reload when certain configurations change.
- scripts/: scripts for setting up the environment for development. is the main one. Execute this way from inside the scripts/ folder: "bash" (do NOT call with sudo). NOTE: these scripts assume Ubuntu 14.0.4 or higher is being used.
- testing/: some test scripts.
- tls/: scripts to set up a CA and to set up scripts for libvirt.
- upstart/: Upstart script configurations for the Manager and API services.
- script for starting the server while developing (called by bash script below).
- dev_tips.txt: some hints for developing parts of the system.
- development_api.ini: config file used while developing the API.
- development_manager.ini: config file used while developing the Manager.
- pycloud_api.ini: API config file used when installing the server.
- pycloud_manager.ini: Manager config file used when installing the server.
- LICENSE: license for this software.
-, requirements.txt and config files for creating the egg for this python package.
- this file.
- script to start API when developing, after env has been set up.
- script to start Manager when developing, after env has been set up.