This is an Arduino library that allows the board to control vacuum fluorescent displays based on the Mitsubishi M66004.
Connect the display's serial data input to the MOSI output of your Arduino, and connect the display's clock input to the Arduino's SCK. For the Arduino Uno, these pins are 11 and 13 respectively.
Finally, connect the display's Chip Select input to any available digital I/O pin on the Arduino. I used pin 2 in the following example.
#include <SPI.h>
#include "mitsubishi_vfd.h"
#define CS_PIN 2
#define DISPLAY_WIDTH 16
vfd_t vfd;
void setup(void)
vfd_init(&vfd, CS_PIN, DISPLAY_WIDTH);
vfd_set_position(&vfd, 0);
vfd_write_string(&vfd, "helloooo!");
chargen.html is a simple JavaScript app for generating custom characters
in M66004 format. Toggle the pixels and the page will generate an array
for use with vfd_define_custom_char()
Further documentation is available in mitsubishi_vfd.h