Implementation of the random Fourier features for expected Gaussian kernels with Fastfood and low rank approximation as described in the paper "Classification of Sparse and Irregularly Sampled Time Series with Mixtures of Expected Gaussian Kernels and Random Features".
- Python 2.7
- numpy
- scipy
- scikit-learn
- fht (Python module for fast Hadamard transform)
The following example (
) demonstrates how to classify
irregularly sampled time series data using random features for
the expected Gaussian kernels.
The data file data/ECG200-50.pkl
used in the example is
created based on the ECG200
data set from the UCR time series
classification archive
with 50% sampling density.
The data file is in Python's pickle format that stores the data set
in the form of ts_train, ts_test, l_train, l_test
, where
is the training time series as a list of tuples. Each tuple contains two numpy ndarrays(t, y)
stores the time stamps andy
stores the corresponding observed values.l_train
stores the labels associated with the training time seriests_train
as a numpy vector (integer).ts_test
are the time series and corresponding labels of the test set.
import numpy as np
import cPickle as pickle
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
import gp
from full_marginal import compute_means_covs
from fastfood import FastfoodEGK
with open('data/ECG200-50.pkl', 'rb') as f:
ts_train, ts_test, l_train, l_test = pickle.load(f)
# Estimate GP hyperparameters and the noise parameter by maximizing
# the marginal likelihood.
gp_parms = gp.learn_hyperparms(ts_train)
# All time series are defined over a common time interval [0, 1].
# We use 300 evenly-spaced reference time points between [0, 1]
# to represent each time series.
t_ref = np.linspace(0, 1, 300)
# Compute the marginal posterior mean and covariance matrix for
# both training and test time series
train_means, train_covs = compute_means_covs(ts_train, t_ref, gp_parms)
test_means, test_covs = compute_means_covs(ts_test, t_ref, gp_parms)
# We use 500 random features with low-rank approximation, rank 10 in this
# case, and normalize the random feature vector to have unit length.
# By dropping the rank argument or set rank to 0 turns off the low rank
# approximation.
# The parameters gamma and C can be chosen using cross validation.
rp = FastfoodEGK(gamma=20, n_sample=500, rank=10,
clf = LinearSVC(C=100)
X_train = rp.fit_transform(train_means, train_covs), l_train)
X_test = rp.transform(test_means, test_covs)
l_predict = clf.predict(X_test)
accuracy = np.mean(l_predict == l_test)
print accuracy
The development of this code was supported by the National Science Foundation through award # IIS-1350522.