This is an examples repository for isolines a python library for street networks isolines and isochrones :
isolines is a Python library for creating street networks isolines (equal-distance) and isochrones (equal-time) polygons with just one line of code. It is built on top of Shapely, geopandas, NetworkX and osmnx.
isolines allows you to create isolines:
- from OSM data without any data input or * use your own data: your own network and source locations
- basic examples
- adding isolines and isochrones to an existing instance
- refining isolines' concave boundaries and smoothing
- refining source location geometry
- tweaking location geometry sample interval
- using different data sources
- example using US Census Tiger data
- geometry types
- using local coordinate systems
import isolines as il
df = il.isolines('Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NYC, USA', metric = 'time',values=[3, 6, 9])
geometry | time | |
0 | POLYGON ((-73.9715 40.6492,... | 3 |
1 | POLYGON ((-73.9708 40.6470,... | 6 |
2 | POLYGON ((-73.9704 40.6448... | 9 |
However, if you which to explore your result with built-in visualization and be able to
amend them and perform EDA use one of the following classes: GpdIsolimes, NXIsoliner, OsmIsolines
iso = il.OsmIsolines('Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NYC, USA', metric = 'time', values=np.arange(2.5, 22.5, 2.5), unit = 'ft', sample = 600)
iso.plot_isolines(figsize = (10, 10))