A factory for kernel functions.
$ npm i ml-kernel
This function can be called with a matrix of input vectors. and optional landmarks. If no landmark is provided, the input vectors will be used.
Available kernels:
- Linear kernelgaussian
- Gaussian (radial basis function) kernelpolynomial
- Polynomial kernelexponential
- Exponential kernellaplacian
- Laplacian kernelanova
- ANOVA kernelrational
- Rational Quadratic kernelmultiquadratic
- Multiquadratic kernelcauchy
- Cauchy kernelhistogram
- Histogram Intersection kernelsigmoid
or `mlp' - Sigmoid (hyperbolic tangent) kernel
This function can be called with a matrix of input vectors and optional landmarks.
If no landmark is provided, the input vectors will be used.
The function returns a kernel matrix of feature space vectors.