Vertebraes tracking using particle filter with polyroi package.
- 📝 Table of Contents
- 🧐 Problem Statement
- ⛓️ Dependencies / Limitations
- 🚀 Future Scope
- 🏁 Getting Started
- 🎈 Usage
- ⛏️ Built With
- ✍️ Authors
- 🎉 Acknowledgments
One of the main problems we face during our tries to track multiple vertebraes is the low quality of image sequences.
IDEAL: We want to create an application to track multiple vertebraes at the same time. Export the image of each vertebrae during each iterations.
REALITY: Currently we can track one vertebrae but working on a method to choose the best particle that maximize the likelihood.
CONSEQUENCES: we will fail to export the best particle's vertebrae images.
- As you increase the instances of particles and trackers, the performence get affected.
- This is one of the setbacks of the particle filter method.
Create a GUI to help configure the expirements before launch.
Here are the thisngs you need to have up and ready before using this script.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them.
pip install opencv-python
pip install numpy
pip install polyroi
You can launch the script using this command.
python -v tiw.avi -np 200 -vs 4 -vr 7
-v : Video
-np : particles number
-vs : Vertebraes speed
-vr : vertebraes rotation
- @skywolfmo - Idea & Initial work
- @SaidiSouad - Collaborator
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.