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AWS EKS Polyaxon

This file explains how to setup Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) on AWS. Then, it describes how to deploy Polyaxon (platform to manage machine learning experiments at scale) to the Kubernetes cluster using Helm chart and establish connection from local machine.


Command prefixes:

  • $ - run on local machine
  • ec2-user$ - run on AWS machine

Install AWS CLI

$ pacman -S aws-cli
$ aws configure

For detailed instructions look here. Optionally, you may also install aws-shell, an interactive shell for the AWS CLI.

Stack deployment

Create an Amazon EC2 Key Pair

To enable ssh connection with created VMs you need to use an existing Key Pair or create a new one. To create new Key Pair with name eks-key-pair (has to be unique) run:

$ aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name eks-key-pair --query 'KeyMaterial' --output text > ~/.aws/eks-private-key.pem
$ chmod 400 ~/.aws/eks-private-key.pem

Deploy the stack

$ aws cloudformation deploy \
    --template-file amazon-eks-master.template.yaml \
    --stack-name eks-stack \
    --parameter-overrides AvailabilityZones=eu-west-2a,eu-west-2b,eu-west-2c KeyPairName=eks-key-pair RemoteAccessCIDR=

For detailed instructions look here.

Connect to Kubernetes

Created stack contains bastion of Linux VMs, which have kubectl to interact with Kubernetes cluster. They also have helm to manage Kubernetes packages, including Polyaxon. Find the public IP of one of the VMs:

$ IP=$(
    aws ec2 describe-instances \
        --filter Name=tag:Name,Values=LinuxBastion \
        --query "Reservations[].Instances[].PublicIpAddress" \
        --output text

Connect to it using ssh:

$ ssh -i ~/.aws/eks-private-key.pem ec2-user@${IP}

Test kubectl and helm:

ec2-user$ kubectl version
ec2-user$ helm version

Deploy Polyaxon

Install from Helm chart

ec2-user$ helm repo add polyaxon
ec2-user$ helm repo update
ec2-user$ helm install --name=polyaxon --namespace=polyaxon --wait polyaxon/polyaxon

Get instructions how to setup connection from local machine

ec2-user$ POLYAXON_IP=$(
    kubectl get svc \
        --namespace polyaxon polyaxon-polyaxon-api \
        -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}'
    kubectl get secret \
        --namespace polyaxon polyaxon-polyaxon-secret \
        -o jsonpath="{.data.POLYAXON_ADMIN_PASSWORD}" \
        | base64 --decode
ec2-user$ echo "Polyaxon dashboard is available at: ${POLYAXON_IP}"
ec2-user$ echo "To setup polyaxon from local machine run:
    polyaxon config set --host=${POLYAXON_IP} --http_port=80 --ws_port=1337
    polyaxon login
ec2-user$ echo "USER: root"

Install Polyaxon on local machine

$ pip install -U polyaxon-cli

Setup connection from local machine

$ polyaxon config set --host=<as-printed-above> --http_port=80 --ws_port=1337
$ polyaxon login --username root --password rootpassword

Verify connection

$ polyaxon cluster
$ polyaxon project create --name=quick-start --description='Polyaxon quick start.'


Uninstall Helm chart

ec2-user$ helm delete polyaxon --purge

Delete stack

$ aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name eks-stack


Setup of Amazon EKS with Polyaxon






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