<img src=“https://codeclimate.com/github/mmarschall/s3db-backup.png” />
Its good practice to have a backup of your database ready at some other place than your production setup in case anything goes badly wrong there. And its a good idea to test your backups regularily. This gem will help you do both in a snap.
To get your data out of your own data center and store it somewhere save, amazon S3 is a great candidate. But, of course, you do not want to let anyone be able to read your application database. That’s why s3db-backup is encrypting your dump before sending it to amazon S3.
As s3db-backup is using standard Unix tools for the heavy lifting, please make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
(comes with the mysql client, should be there) -
(never saw a system without it) -
(you might need to install it:apt-get install ccrypt
(Debian, Ubuntu),yum install ccrypt
(Redhat, CentOS), orbrew install ccrypt
(Mac OS X using homebrew))
And, of course, you’ll need to sign up for an Amazon S3 account and create a bucket using the AWS Management Console (or any other way)
s3db-backup only supports MySQL databases and works from within a Rails application. Here are the steps to get you started:
Install the s3db-backup gem
sudo gem install s3db-backup
Alternatively you can simply add it to your
and runbundle install
Run the s3db_config generator to generate the necessary config files and rake tasks NOTE: This currently works only in a Rails 3.x app. You can create the files manually in your Rails 2.x app. Everything will run fine from there on.
$ rails generate s3db_config
This will generate the following files: config/s3_config.yml
, db/secret.txt
, and lib/tasks/db.rake
Store your AWS access credentials and your desired S3 buckets in the new
:aws_access_key_id: "<your aws access key here>" secret_access_key: "<your aws secret key here>" production: bucket: "my_app-production" development: bucket: "my_app-development"
s3db-backup expects the buckets you name there to exist. Please make sure they do (using the Amazon AWS Management Console or any other Amazon Management Tool)
Put a long and random string as your encryption/decryption key for
$ echo "my secret key" > db/secret.txt
Dumping, encrypting, and uploading your current database is now as easy as typing one command:
$ rake s3db:backup
When its done, go to your amazon S3 bucket and see your shiny new backup file there!
To be able to fetch your backups from S3 and load them into your environment (development or production) you can use a set of rake tasks defined in lib/tasks/s3db_backup.rake
Fetch the latest backup from S3 to your local disk as
:$ rake s3db:latest:fetch
Now you can either load that SQL dump with any tool you like or use a second rake task:
Load that dump into your environment:
ATTENTION: This step will DROP your database and re-create it from your backup. Be careful when applying to your production environment. You have been warned!
$ rake s3db:latest:load
I do not trust in backup systems, which do everything on their own. In emergency I want to be able to restore my data manually. As s3db-backup only uses standard Unix tools for the job, its pretty easy. Here are the steps to manually restore your database
Download the latest backup from your Amazon S3 bucket e.g.
Decrypt the file using your key from
ccdecrypt mysql-my_app-production-22-09-2010-11h24m10s.sql.gz.cpt
Unzip the SQL file
gunzip mysql-my_app-production-22-09-2010-11h24m10s.sql.gz
Re-create your database
rake db:create
Load the dump into mysql
mysql -u <your_db_user> -p <your_db> < mysql-my_app-production-22-09-2010-11h24m10s.sql
Now you should have your DB restored.
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright © 2010 - 2012 Matthias Marschall. See LICENSE for details.