TIC1 Project
Fully argument version to easy and fast testing without changing source code
Argument list with default values in []: (no need to use directed order)
Project.exe (Program name...of course)
-i <input hash> [ahoj]
-b <biteSize> [32]
-p <probability of false positive> [0.005/5E-3]
-c <capacity of array(in M)> [10]
-t <thread number> [cpu threads]
-l (logging) [false]
-m <multiplier of filter size>
-n <modulo/step of saving hash> [10]
-r (ringMode) [false]
Ring mode - used for testing/searching for lenght collision ring, need to use when you set input first collision hash
full example: Project.exe -i ahoj -b 56 -p 0.005(5E-3) -c 100 -n 10000 -m 4 -n -10 -t 4 -l (-r)
every 10th M of filter IO operations - console and logFile
every 5th K of array operations - console and logFile
USAGE Table:
Bit lenght - capacity - saving step
<=36b.........10M........1 000
40-48.........100M........10 000
52-56......1,000M......100 000
60-64.....50,000M......100 000
68-76....500,000M....1 000 000