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mmeents committed Jan 2, 2023
1 parent 1c58de1 commit 4a78bd8
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Showing 5 changed files with 377 additions and 74 deletions.
193 changes: 154 additions & 39 deletions AppStatic.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,37 @@ public static Int32 GetImageIndexFromCode(string ObjectType) {

public static class CodeStatic {
public static string nl { get { return Environment.NewLine; } }
public static string SQLDefNullValue(string sqlType) {
public static string SQLDefNullValueCSharp(string sqlType) {
string w = sqlType.ToLower().ParseString(" ()", 0);
string result = "";
if (w == "char") result = "\"\"";
else if (w == "varchar") result = "\"\"";
else if (w == "int") result = "0";
else if (w == "bigint") result = "0";
else if (w == "binary") result = "null";
else if (w == "bit") result = "false";
else if (w == "datetime") result = "null";
else if (w == "decimal") result = "0.0";
else if (w == "float") result = "0.0";
else if (w == "image") result = "null";
else if (w == "money") result = "0.0";
else if (w == "numeric") result = "0.0";
else if (w == "nchar") result = "\"\"";
else if (w == "ntext") result = "\"\"";
else if (w == "nvarchar") result = "\"\"";
else if (w == "real") result = "0.0";
else if (w == "smallint") result = "0";
else if (w == "smallmoney") result = "0.0";
else if (w == "smalldatetime") result = "null";
else if (w == "text") result = "\"\"";
else if (w == "timestamp") result = "null";
else if (w == "tinyint") result = "0";
else if (w == "uniqueidentifier") result = "\"\"";
else if (w == "varbinary") result = "null";
return result;

public static string SQLDefNullValueSQL(string sqlType) {
string w = sqlType.ToLower().ParseString(" ()", 0);
string result = "";
if (w == "char") result = "\"\"";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,6 +82,7 @@ public static string SQLDefNullValue(string sqlType) {
else if (w == "varbinary") result = "null";
return result;

public static string GetSQLParamList(this TreeNode tnTable) {
string sRes = "";
foreach (TreeNode tnColumn in tnTable.Nodes) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,45 +146,110 @@ public static string GetAssignChildSQLColList(this TreeNode tnTable) {
public static string GenerateSQLAddUpdateStoredProc(this TreeNode tnTable) {
TreeNode cn = tnTable;
string nl = Environment.NewLine;
string tblName = tnTable.Text;
string tblName = tnTable.Text.ParseFirst(".")+".["+tnTable.Text.ParseLast(".")+"]";
string sSQLParam1 = tnTable.GetSQLParamList();
string sInsertListAsSQlParams = tnTable.GetSQLInsertListAsSQLParam();
string sColList = tnTable.GetSQLColumnList(false);
string sAssignColSQL = GetAssignChildSQLColList(tnTable);
string sFirstCol;
string sKeyType = "", sKey = "";
string sKeyType = "", sKey = "", sKeyB = "";
if (tnTable.Nodes.Count > 0) {
sFirstCol = tnTable.Nodes[0].Text.ToLower();
sKey = "[" + sFirstCol.ParseString(" ()", 0) + "]";
sFirstCol = tnTable.Nodes[0].Text;
sKey = sFirstCol.ParseString(" ()", 0);
sKeyB = "[" + sKey + "]";
sKeyType = sFirstCol.ParseString(" ()", 1);
if (sKeyType.Contains("char")) {
sKeyType = sKeyType + "(" + sFirstCol.ParseString(" ()", 2) + ")";
string sUpdateDefWhere = sKey + " = @a";
string sDefNullValue = SQLDefNullValue(sKeyType);
string sDefNullValue = SQLDefNullValueSQL(sKeyType);
"-- Add Update SQL Stored Proc for " + tblName + "" + nl +
"Create Procedure dbo.sp_AddUpdate" + tblName.ParseLast(".") +
"Create Procedure dbo.sp_AddUpdate" + tblName.ParseLast(".[]") +
" (" + nl + " " + sSQLParam1 + nl + ") as " + nl +
" set nocount on " + nl +
" declare @a " + sKeyType + " set @a = isnull((select " + sKey + " from " + tblName +
" where (" + sKey + " = @" + sKey + ")), " + sDefNullValue + ") " + nl +
$" declare @a { sKeyType } set @a = case when (@{sKey}=0) then 0 else isnull((select " + sKeyB + " from " + tblName +
" where " + sKeyB + " = @" + sKey + "), " + sDefNullValue + ") end " + nl +
" if (@a = " + sDefNullValue + ") begin" + nl +
" Insert into " + cn.Text + " (" + nl +
" Insert into " + tblName + " (" + nl +
" " + sColList + nl +
" ) values (" + nl + " " + sInsertListAsSQlParams + ")" + nl +
" set @a = @@Identity " + nl +
" end else begin" + nl +
" Update " + tblName +
" set" + nl + sAssignColSQL + nl +
" where " + sUpdateDefWhere + nl +
" where " + sKeyB + " = @a" + nl +
" end" + nl +
" select @a " + sKey + nl + "return";

public static string GenerateCreateTableSQL(this TreeNode tnTable) {
string sTableName = tnTable.Text;
string s = "DECLARE @object_name SYSNAME, @object_id INT, @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX)" + Environment.NewLine +
" SELECT @object_name = '[' + OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(o.[object_id]) + '].[' + OBJECT_NAME([object_id]) + ']', " + Environment.NewLine +
" @object_id = [object_id] FROM ( SELECT [object_id] = OBJECT_ID('" + sTableName + "', 'U') ) o " + Environment.NewLine +
" SELECT @SQL = 'CREATE TABLE ' + @object_name + '(' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + " + Environment.NewLine +
" STUFF((SELECT CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + ' ,[' + + '] ' + " + Environment.NewLine +
" CASE WHEN c.is_computed = 1 " + Environment.NewLine +
" THEN 'AS ' + OBJECT_DEFINITION(c.[object_id], c.column_id) " + Environment.NewLine +
" ELSE " + Environment.NewLine +
" CASE WHEN c.system_type_id != c.user_type_id " + Environment.NewLine +
" THEN '[' + SCHEMA_NAME(tp.[schema_id]) + '].[' + + ']' " + Environment.NewLine +
" ELSE '[' + UPPER( + ']' " + Environment.NewLine +
" END + " + Environment.NewLine +
" CASE " + Environment.NewLine +
" WHEN IN ('varchar', 'char', 'varbinary', 'binary') THEN '(' + CASE WHEN c.max_length = -1 THEN 'MAX' ELSE CAST(c.max_length AS VARCHAR(5)) END + ')' " + Environment.NewLine +
" WHEN IN ('nvarchar', 'nchar') THEN '(' + CASE WHEN c.max_length = -1 THEN 'MAX' ELSE CAST(c.max_length / 2 AS VARCHAR(5)) END + ')' " + Environment.NewLine +
" WHEN IN ('datetime2', 'time2', 'datetimeoffset') THEN '(' + CAST(c.scale AS VARCHAR(5)) + ')' " + Environment.NewLine +
" WHEN = 'decimal' THEN '(' + CAST(c.[precision] AS VARCHAR(5)) + ',' + CAST(c.scale AS VARCHAR(5)) + ')' " + Environment.NewLine +
" ELSE '' " + Environment.NewLine +
" END + " + Environment.NewLine +
" CASE WHEN c.collation_name IS NOT NULL AND c.system_type_id = c.user_type_id " + Environment.NewLine +
" THEN ' COLLATE ' + c.collation_name ELSE '' END + " + Environment.NewLine +
" CASE WHEN c.is_nullable = 1 THEN ' NULL' ELSE ' NOT NULL' END + " + Environment.NewLine +
" CASE WHEN c.default_object_id != 0 " + Environment.NewLine +
" THEN ' CONSTRAINT [' + OBJECT_NAME(c.default_object_id) + '] DEFAULT ' + OBJECT_DEFINITION(c.default_object_id) " + Environment.NewLine +
" ELSE '' " + Environment.NewLine +
" END + " + Environment.NewLine +
" CASE WHEN cc.[object_id] IS NOT NULL " + Environment.NewLine +
" THEN ' CONSTRAINT [' + + '] CHECK ' + cc.[definition] " + Environment.NewLine +
" ELSE '' " + Environment.NewLine +
" END + " + Environment.NewLine +
" CASE WHEN c.is_identity = 1 " + Environment.NewLine +
" THEN ' IDENTITY(' + CAST(IDENTITYPROPERTY(c.[object_id], 'SeedValue') AS VARCHAR(5)) + ',' + " + Environment.NewLine +
" CAST(IDENTITYPROPERTY(c.[object_id], 'IncrementValue') AS VARCHAR(5)) + ')' " + Environment.NewLine +
" ELSE '' " + Environment.NewLine +
" END " + Environment.NewLine +
" END " + Environment.NewLine +
" FROM sys.columns c WITH(NOLOCK) " + Environment.NewLine +
" JOIN sys.types tp WITH(NOLOCK) ON c.user_type_id = tp.user_type_id " + Environment.NewLine +
" LEFT JOIN sys.check_constraints cc WITH(NOLOCK) ON c.[object_id] = cc.parent_object_id AND cc.parent_column_id = c.column_id " + Environment.NewLine +
" WHERE c.[object_id] = @object_id " + Environment.NewLine +
" ORDER BY c.column_id " + Environment.NewLine +
" FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 5, ' ') + " + Environment.NewLine +
" ISNULL((SELECT CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + ' ,CONSTRAINT [' + + '] PRIMARY KEY ' + " + Environment.NewLine +
" CASE WHEN i.index_id = 1 THEN 'CLUSTERED' ELSE 'NONCLUSTERED' END +" + Environment.NewLine +
" ' (' + ( SELECT STUFF(CAST((SELECT ', [' + COL_NAME(ic.[object_id], ic.column_id) + ']' +" + Environment.NewLine +
" CASE WHEN ic.is_descending_key = 1 THEN ' DESC' ELSE '' END " + Environment.NewLine +
" FROM sys.index_columns ic WITH(NOLOCK) " + Environment.NewLine +
" WHERE i.[object_id] = ic.[object_id] " + Environment.NewLine +
" AND i.index_id = ic.index_id " + Environment.NewLine +
" FOR XML PATH(N''), TYPE) AS NVARCHAR(MAX)), 1, 2, '')) + ')' " + Environment.NewLine +
" FROM sys.indexes i WITH(NOLOCK) " + Environment.NewLine +
" WHERE i.[object_id] = @object_id AND i.is_primary_key = 1), '') + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) + ')' " + Environment.NewLine +
" select @SQL sOut ";
return s;

public static string GetNamespaceText(string sDB) {
"using Dapper; // data io is based on Dapper." + nl +
"using System.Data;" + nl +
"using System.Data.SqlClient; // from nuget as well." + nl +
"using StaticExtensions; // see StaticExtensions in nuget." + nl + nl +
$"namespace {sDB}" + "{" + nl + nl;
public static string GetCTypeFromSQLType(string sqlType) {
string w = sqlType.ToLower().ParseString(" ()", 0);
string result = "";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,11 +285,11 @@ public static string GetCSharpColAsProps(this TreeNode cn) {
foreach (TreeNode tn in cn.Nodes) {
string scol = tn.Text.ParseFirst(" ");
scol = scol[..1].ToUpper() + scol[1..];
sRes = sRes + $" public {GetCTypeFromSQLType(tn.Text.ParseLast(" "))} {scol}" + "{get; set;} = " + SQLDefNullValue(tn.Text.ParseLast(" ")) + nl;
sRes = sRes + $" public {GetCTypeFromSQLType(tn.Text.ParseLast(" "))} {scol}" + "{get; set;} = " + SQLDefNullValueCSharp(tn.Text.ParseLast(" "))+";" + nl;
return sRes;
public static string GenerateCSharpRepoLikeClassFromTable(this TreeNode tnTable) {
public static string GenerateCSharpRepoLikeClassFromTable(this TreeNode tnTable, bool IncludeNamespace = true) {
TreeNode cn = tnTable;
string tblName = cn.Text;
String sDB = cn.Parent.Parent.Text;
Expand All @@ -205,13 +301,17 @@ public static string GenerateCSharpRepoLikeClassFromTable(this TreeNode tnTable)
sFirstCol = cn.Nodes[0].Text;
sKey = sFirstCol.ParseString(" ()", 0).AsLowerCaseFirstLetter();
sKeyType = GetCTypeFromSQLType(sFirstCol.ParseLast(" ").ToLower());
string a = "";
string d = "";
for (Int32 i = 0; i < tnTable.Nodes.Count; i++) {
a = a + (a == "" ? "" : ", ") + $"{tnTable.Nodes[i].Text.ParseFirst(" @").AsUpperCaseFirstLetter()} = {tnTable.Nodes[i].Text.ParseFirst(" @").AsLowerCaseFirstLetter()}";
d = d + (d == "" ? "" : ", ") + $"{GetCTypeFromSQLType(tnTable.Nodes[i].Text.ParseLast(" "))} {tnTable.Nodes[i].Text.ParseFirst(" @").AsLowerCaseFirstLetter()}";
string className = tblName.ParseLast(".").AsUpperCaseFirstLetter();
string classVarName = className.AsLowerCaseFirstLetter();
"using Dapper; // data io is based on Dapper." + nl +
"using StaticExtensions; // see StaticExtensions in nuget." + nl + nl +
$"namespace {sDB}"+"{" + nl + nl +
(IncludeNamespace ? GetNamespaceText(sDB) : "") +
" // C Entity Class " + nl +
$" public class {className}" + "{" + nl +
$" public {tblName.ParseLast(".")}()" + "{}" + nl +
Expand All @@ -221,7 +321,7 @@ public static string GenerateCSharpRepoLikeClassFromTable(this TreeNode tnTable)
$" // C Dapper Load List of {className}" + nl +
$" public async Task<ActionResult> {className}IndexAsync()" + "{" + nl +
$" IEnumerable<{className}> result;" + nl +
" string connectionString = Settings.GetConnectionString(\"PD\");" + nl +
" string connectionString = GetConnectionString();" + nl +
" using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {" + nl +
$" result = await connection.QueryAsync<{className}>("+nl+
$" \"select {sColListb} from {tblName} \");" + nl +
Expand All @@ -230,7 +330,7 @@ public static string GenerateCSharpRepoLikeClassFromTable(this TreeNode tnTable)
" }" + nl + nl +
" // C Dapper Load single Item" + nl +
$" public async Task<ActionResult> {className}ItemAsync({sKeyType} {sKey})" + "{" + nl +
" string connectionString = Settings.GetConnectionString(\"PD\");" + nl +
" string connectionString = GetConnectionString();" + nl +
$" {className} result;" + nl +
" using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {" + nl +
" var param = new {" + sKey + "};" + nl +
Expand All @@ -240,19 +340,30 @@ public static string GenerateCSharpRepoLikeClassFromTable(this TreeNode tnTable)
" return Ok($\"{result.AsJson()}\");" + nl +
" }" + nl + nl +
" // C Dapper Edit via Add Update stored procdure" + nl +
$" public async Task<ActionResult> {className}EditAsync({className} {classVarName}) " + "{" + nl +
" string connectionString = Settings.GetConnectionString(\"PD\");" + nl +
$" {className} result;" + nl +
$" public async Task<int> {className}EditAsync({className} {classVarName}) " + "{" + nl +
" string connectionString = GetConnectionString();" + nl +
$" int result = 0;" + nl +
" using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {" + nl +
$" result = await connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<{className}>("+nl+
$" result = await connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<int>("+nl+
$" \"dbo.sp_AddUpdate{className}\", {classVarName}, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);" + nl +
" }" + nl +
" return result;" + nl +
" }" + nl + nl +
" // C Dapper Edit via Add Update stored procdure x2" + nl +
$" public async Task<int> {className}Edit2Async({d}) " + "{" + nl +
" string connectionString = GetConnectionString();" + nl +
$" int result = 0;" + nl +
" using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {" + nl +
$" {className} {classVarName} = new {className}(){{ {a} }};" +nl+
$" result = await connection.QueryFirstOrDefaultAsync<int>(" + nl +
$" \"dbo.sp_AddUpdate{className}\", {classVarName}, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);" + nl +
" }" + nl +
" return Ok(result.AsJson());" + nl +
" return result;" + nl +
" }" + nl + nl +
" // C Dapper delete via Execute" + nl +
$" public async Task<ActionResult> {className}DeleteAsync({sKeyType}{sKey})" + "{" + nl +
" int result = 0;" + nl +
" string connectionString = Settings.GetConnectionString(\"PD\");" + nl +
" string connectionString = GetConnectionString();" + nl +
" var param = new {" + $"{sKey}" + "};" + nl +
" using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {" + nl +
" result = await connection.ExecuteAsync("+nl+
Expand All @@ -261,29 +372,24 @@ public static string GenerateCSharpRepoLikeClassFromTable(this TreeNode tnTable)
" return Ok(result == 1);" + nl +
" }" + nl +
" }" + nl +
"} ";
(IncludeNamespace ? "}" : "");


public static string GenerateCSharpExecStoredProc(this TreeNode tnStProc) {
string sDBName = tnStProc.Parent.Parent.Parent.Text.ParseFirst(":");
string a = "";
string c = "";
string a = "";
string d = "";
for (Int32 i = 0; i < tnStProc.Nodes.Count; i++) {
if (a == "") {
a = tnStProc.Nodes[i].Text.ParseString(" @", 0).AsLowerCaseFirstLetter();
} else {
a = a + ", " + tnStProc.Nodes[i].Text.ParseString(" @", 0).AsLowerCaseFirstLetter();
c = c + nl + $" {GetCTypeFromSQLType(tnStProc.Nodes[i].Text.ParseLast(" "))} {tnStProc.Nodes[i].Text.ParseFirst(" @").AsLowerCaseFirstLetter()} = {SQLDefNullValue(tnStProc.Nodes[i].Text.ParseLast(" "))};";
a = a + (a == "" ? "" : ", ") + tnStProc.Nodes[i].Text.ParseString(" @", 0);
d = d + (d == "" ? "" : ", ") + $"{GetCTypeFromSQLType(tnStProc.Nodes[i].Text.ParseLast(" "))} {tnStProc.Nodes[i].Text.ParseFirst(" @")}";
string className = tnStProc.Text.ParseLast(".").AsUpperCaseFirstLetter();
var s = " // C Dapper Edit via Add Update stored procdure" + nl +
$" public async Task<ActionResult> Exec{className}Async() " + "{" + nl +
$" public async Task<ActionResult> Exec{className}Async({d}) " + "{" + nl +
$" string connectionString = Settings.GetConnectionString(\"{sDBName}\");" + nl +
$" {className}Result result;" +
c + nl +
$" {className}Result result;" + nl +
" var params = new {" + $"{a}" + "};" + nl +
" using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) {" + nl +
$" result = await connection.QueryAsync<{className}Result>(\"{tnStProc.Text.ParseFirst(" ")}\", params, commandType: CommandType.StoredProcedure);" + nl +
Expand All @@ -292,8 +398,17 @@ public static string GenerateCSharpExecStoredProc(this TreeNode tnStProc) {
" }" + nl + nl;
return s;

public static string GetDeclareSQLParam(this TreeNode tnStProc) {
string s = "";
foreach(TreeNode cn in tnStProc.Nodes) {
s = s +"declare @"+ cn.Text + " set @" +cn.Text.ParseFirst(" ")+" = "+ SQLDefNullValueSQL(cn.Text.ParseLast(" "))+";" +;
return s;
public static string GetExecSQLStoredProcedure(this TreeNode tnStProc) {
return "-- the call to execute " + nl
+$"Exec {tnStProc.Text} {tnStProc.GetSQLInsertListAsSQLParam(true)}";

Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions DBConNode.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,4 +15,15 @@ public DBConNode(DbConnectionInfo dBConnectionInfo) : base() {
this.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode("Placeholder", 1, 1));

public class DBNode : TreeNode {
public DbConnectionInfo _dBConnection;
public DBNode(DbConnectionInfo dBConnectionInfo, string DatabaseName) : base(DatabaseName, 1, 1) {
_dBConnection = new DbConnectionInfo(DatabaseName, dBConnectionInfo.ConnectionString);
_dBConnection.InitialCatalog = DatabaseName;
Text = DatabaseName;
this.Nodes.Add(new TreeNode("Placeholder", 1, 1));


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