irm | iex
Alternatively (step by step)
1. Download and review the script:# Download the script
irm -OutFile install.ps1
# Review the script
notepad install.ps1
# Execute the script
In PowerShell (Permanently for Current User):
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("XEO_TOKEN", "<your_token_here>", "User")
Alternatively (env for session, other shells)
In PowerShell (Current Session):
In Windows CMD (Permanently for Current User):
setx XEO_TOKEN="<your_token_here>""
After using setx, restart your terminal or log off and log back in to apply the changes.
In Windows CMD (Current Session):
set XEO_TOKEN="<your_token_here>"
Do not have XEO_TOKEN? Go to
xv convert --type ifc-xkt --artifact
- xv convert <url> initiates the conversion process with specifies IFC file (from the web).
- --type ifc-xkt sets the output format to xkt.
- --artifact drops artifacts to local folder.
- --log drops logs to local folder.
Run the uninstall script with execution policy bypassed for this command only
powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "$HOME\.xv\uninstall.ps1"
If XV was installed in a different directory, replace $HOME\\.xv\uninstall.ps1 with the correct path. There is no need to change the directory; the command specifies the full path to the uninstall script.For more information on XV commands and options, you can view the help documentation:
xv --help
or check our
If you encounter any issues or have questions, please refer to the official documentation or contact the support team. []