Format an object into HTML with Razor and send it via email in one line of code, from any .NET app.##
Need to send an email. Have a bunch of data, and want to actually look nice? How about using some of that fancy Razor stuff that the ASP.NET guys have cooked up?
Basic Usage
new RazorEmailEngine()
.SendEmail("This is the subject", //Give a subject
new {FirstName="Mike", LastName="Mooney" }, //and a model object
"Hello <b>@Model.FirstName @Model.LastName</b>!", //and a Razor view
new List<string> {""}, //and a list of people to send it do
"" //and who you are
Include Some Attachments
new RazorEmailEngine()
.SendEmail("This is the subject", //Give a subject
new {FirstName="Mike", LastName="Mooney" }, //and a model object
"Hello <b>@Model.FirstName @Model.LastName</b>!", //and a Razor view
new List<string> {""}, //and a list of people to send it do
"", //and who you are
new EmailAttachmentData { FileName="Attachement1.txt", AttachmentData="This is the file data"},
new EmailAttachmentData { FileName="Attachement2.txt", AttachmentData="This is more data"}
Specify SMTP Settings
The previous examples use the default SMTP settings from the app.config or web.config. However, if you wanted to specify different settings at runtime:
var settings = new EmailServerSettings
new RazorEmailEngine(settings)
.SendEmail("This is the subject", //Give a subject
new {FirstName="Mike", LastName="Mooney" }, //and a model object
"Hello <b>@Model.FirstName @Model.LastName</b>!", //and a Razor view
new List<string> {""}, //and a list of people to send it do
"" //and who you are
Mock The Email Engine
Want your unit tests to verify that the right emails are being sent, without actually sending the email? You can inject a mock EmailSender class
Mock<EmailSender> mockEmailSender = new Mock<EmailSender>();
new RazorEmailEngine(mockEmailSender.Object)
.SendEmail("This is the subject", //Give a subject
new { FirstName = "Mike", LastName = "Mooney" }, //and a model object
"Hello <b>@Model.FirstName @Model.LastName</b>!", //and a Razor view
new List<string> { "" }, //and a list of people to send it do
"" //and who you are
mockEmailSender.Verify(i => i.SendEmail("This is the subject", "Hello <b>Mike Mooney</b>!", It.IsAny<IEnumerable<MailAddress>>(), It.IsAny<MailAddress>()), Times.Once());
Sample App
We've included a working sample app you can play with:
- Can I used this outside a MVC application?
- Absolutely. We wrote this specifically so we could use it in a Windows service.
- What dependencies are involved?
- If you use the NuGet package (, it will also download MMDB.Shared (a simple library of common functions), and Antaris Razor Engine (
MMDB.RazorEmail makes use of the following open source projects:
- Antaris RazorEngine:
- Json.NET:
We also used the following in our testing:
- moq:
- NUnit: