Simple audio HLS streaming server.
The goal of this program is to receive an audio stream with SRT and broadcast it with HLS. It can serve as a CDN origin server or as a set-and-forget streaming server.
srt2hls use Liquidsoap to receive a stream and encode it in HLS, then it use [nginx] ( to serve HLS content.
The Liquidsoap container, by default, run radio/live.liq script. It's a fully functionnal example that will :
- Receive 2 SRT inputs on ports 10000 and 10001
- Create a production stream with basic logic between the 2 inputs
- Encode the stream in aac with 3 quality
- Segment it in HLS format in /hls directory
The Nginx container come with a specific configuration to serve HLS content with proper Content-Type, CORS and Cache-Control headers. It need read only access to /hls directory to serve HLS segments and playlists.
mkdir hls
sudo chown -R 10000:10001 hls
sudo docker-compose up
- Liquidsoap 2.0.0+
- ffmpeg
By default the encoder send blank HLS segments, that mean if it's started, you can already listen the blank stream.
ffplay http://localhost:8080/live.m3u8
vlc http://localhost:8080/live.m3u8
The default script allow to switch the output between inputs.
# Check available input to switch to
curl http://localhost:8080/api/list?livesource
# Switch the livesource
curl http://localhost:8080/api/set?livesource=srt2
curl http://localhost:8080/api/set?livesource=srt1
# check the current live source
curl http://localhost:8080/api/get?livesource
Requirement : ffmpeg compiled with srt support ( for example)
# live stream or static file
ffmpeg -re -i $AUDIOFILE -vn -f wav -codec:a pcm_s16le srt://
sudo docker-compose build
Folks of Liquidsoap
Monitoring stack is mostly inspired by