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my own library of self-written useful C functions


At the root of the repository, run make. You can add the path to the repository to your library search path or link the compiled library libft.a directly to your executable. Let me know if you run into any problems.

included functions

return name params description
int ft_printf const char *format, ... rewritten system-function
int ft_dprintf const int fd, const char *format, ... rewritten system-function
int get_next_line const int fd, char **line reads from fd and saves one line (excl. '\n' character) in line
long long int ft_atoi const char *s rewritten system-function
char* ft_itoa long long int n converts n to corresponding string
char* ft_itoa_base_unsgnd unsigned long long int n, int base, int is_cap, unsigned int len same as itoa but then with different base, is_cap = 1 for capital letters when base > 10
long long int ft_absolute long long int nbr returns the absolute value of nbr with base 10
unsigned int ft_absolute_doublelen long double ld, unsigned int prcs returns the length of the absolute of ld with prcs (precision) in bytes
unsigned int ft_absolute_nbrlen long long int nbr, int base returns the length of the absolute of nbr with base
int ft_power int base, unsigned int exp returns base ^ exp
double ft_double_power double base, int exp returns base ^ exp
long double ft_ldouble_power long double base, int exp returns base ^ exp
void ft_bzero void *s, size_t n rewritten system-function
void ft_swap_ptr void **ptr1, void **ptr2 swaps ptr1 and ptr2
void ft_lstadd t_list **alst, t_list *item adds an item to linked list with head alst
void ft_lstdel t_list **alst, void (*del)(void*,size_t) uses del to delete linked list with head alst
void ft_lstdelone t_list **alst, void (*del)(void*,size_t) uses del to delete linked list item alst
void ft_lstiter t_list *lst, void (*f)(t_list *elem) iterates over lst and applies f to each node
t_list* ft_lstmap t_list *lst, t_list *(*f)(t_list *elem) iterates over lst, applies f to each node and returns a "fresh" list with the new nodes
t_list* ft_lstnew void const *content, size_t content_size allocates and returns a "fresh" node for content
void ft_lstadd_back t_list **alst, t_list *item adds an item to the end of alst
void ft_lstfold t_list **alst, t_list *start, t_list *end folds the list alst at start and end and deletes all nodes in between
void ft_lstadd_behind t_list **alst, t_list *node, t_list *new_nd adds new_node behind node to alst
void ft_lstadd_before t_list **alst, t_list *node, t_list *new_nd adds new_node before node to alst
size_t ft_lstcount t_list *lst counts nodes of lst
t_list* ft_lstrev t_list **alst reverses order of linked list (*alst)
void ft_delete void *ptr, size_t size sets size bytes at ptr to 0 and frees ptr
void* ft_memalloc size_t size allocates and returns "fresh" pointer to memory of size size
void* ft_memccpy void *dst, const void *src, int c, size_t n rewritten system-function
void* ft_memchr const void *s, int c, size_t n rewritten system-function
int ft_memcmp const void *s1, const void *s2, size_t n rewritten system-function
void* ft_memcpy void *dst, const void *src, size_t n rewritten system-function
void ft_memdel void **ap frees memory at *ap and sets pointer to NULL
void* ft_memmove void *dst, const void *src, size_t len rewritten system-function
void* ft_memset void *b, int c, size_t len rewritten system-function
void* ft_memdup void *ptr, size_t size allocates and returns "fresh" memory of size and copies size bytes from ptr into it
char* ft_strcat char *s1, const char *s2 rewritten system-function
char* ft_strchr const char *s, int c rewritten system-function
void ft_strclr char *s sets all characters of s to '\0'
int ft_strcmp const char *s1, const char *s2 rewritten system-function
char* ft_strcpy char *dst, const char *src rewritten system-function
void ft_strdel char **as deletes string at *as and sets the pointer to NULL
void ft_strarrdel char ***arr deletes an array of strings and sets all characters and pointers to '\0' / NULL
char* ft_strdup const char *s rewritten system-function
int ft_strequ const char *s1, const char *s2 returns 1 if s1 == s2 and returns 0 if s1 != s2
void ft_striter char *s, void(*f)(char*) iterates over s and applies f to each character
void ft_striteri char *s, void(*f)(unsigned int, char*) applies f to each character of s and passing its index as first argument
char* ft_strjoin const char *s1, const char *s2 returns a "fresh" string with s1 and s2 concatenated
size_t ft_strlcat char *s1, const char *s2, size_t size rewritten system-function
size_t ft_strlen const char *s rewritten system-function
char* ft_strmap const char *s, char(*f)(char) applies f to each character of s and returns "fresh" string with the resulting characters
char* ft_strmapi const char *s, char (*f)(unsigned int, char) applies f to character with given index of s and returns "fresh" string with the resulting characters
char* ft_strncat char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n rewritten system-function
int ft_strncmp const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n rewritten system-function
char* ft_strncpy char *dst, const char *src, size_t len rewritten system-function
int ft_strnequ const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n like ft_strequ but only compares the first n bytes
char* ft_strnew size_t size creates new string of size and initializes all characters to '\0'
char* ft_strnstr const char *hay, const char *needle, size_t n rewritten system-function
char* ft_strrchr const char *s, int c rewritten system-function
char* *ft_strsplit const char *s, char c splits s at all occurrences of c and returns the resulting array of strings
char* ft_strstr const char *hay, const char *needle rewritten system-function
char* ft_strsub const char *s, unsigned int start, size_t len creates a new string with the first len bytes of s substituted by the first len bytes of start
char* ft_strtrim const char *s trims white-spaces of the beginning and end of s and returns its result in a "fresh" string
char* ft_strrev char *s reverses the characters of s
void ft_putchar char c rewritten system-function
void ft_putchar_fd char c, int fd writes c in fd
void ft_putnbr int n writes string representing n in stdout
void ft_putnbr_fd int n, int fd writes string representing n in fd
void ft_putendl const char *s writes s with added newline in stdout
void ft_putendl_fd const char *s, int fd writes s with added newline in fd
void ft_putstr const char *s writes s in stdout
void ft_putstr_fd const char *s, int fd writes s in fd
ssize_t ft_putnstr_fd const char *str, size_t len, int fd writes first len bytes of str in fd
int ft_isint char * str checks if str represents an integer
int ft_isalnum int c rewritten system-function
int ft_isalpha int c rewritten system-function
int ft_isascii int c rewritten system-function
int ft_isdigit int c rewritten system-function
int ft_isprint int c rewritten system-function
int ft_islower int c rewritten system-function
int ft_isupper int c rewritten system-function
int ft_tolower int c rewritten system-function
int ft_toupper int c rewritten system-function


| (ft_printf and ft_dprintf)


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