- Ensure you have a container runtime enginer installed (docker-dekstop or rancher-desktop)
- Ensure you have kubectl
1. kubectl create ns argocd
2. kubectl -n argocd apply -f ./argocd/install.yaml
3. kubectl -n argocd port-forward svc/argocd-server 8080:443
1. kubectl -n argocd patch secret argocd-secret -p '{"data": {"admin.password": null, "admin.passwordMtime": null}}'
kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d; echo (to get get secret)
2. kubectl -n argocd scale deployment argocd-server --replicas=0
once scaled-down, make sure to scale back up and wait a few minutes before
3. kubectl -n argocd scale deployment argocd-server --replicas=1
4. New password of the ArgoCD will be your api-server pod name with the numbers at the end name (kubectl -n argocd get po >> to find pod name)
i.e login:
user: admin
pass: argocd-server-6cdb9b4b84-jvl58
kubectl -n argocd apply -f ./argocd/app.yaml
kubectl -n example-app get po
- make a change in the replicas of the deployment in (./app/deployments/deployment.yaml)
- Make a PR and push to master
- Wait for ArgoCD to sync with cluster or sync manually.
- Watch the pods terminate/increase.
- login to ArgoCD CLI
argocd_server=`kubectl -n argocd get pods -l app.kubernetes.io/name=argocd-server -o name | cut -d'/' -f 2`
argocd login \
--username=admin \
--password="${argocd_server}" \
- Use the ArgoCD CLI
argocd app get example-app ## list ArgoCD app on the CLI ("example-app" - name of App)
argocd app sync example-app ## sync the "example-app" with the repo