Each weather station outputs a status message every 1 second to report its weather status to Kafka.
The Central Station consumes these weather status messages does the following:
- Check for high humidity and notify if it's above a certain level
- Batch archive data in parquet files
- Write data to the bitcask lsm
Then a connector fetches the parquet data into ES to be analyzed by kibana and report battry status like the following
We built our own LSM from scratch implementing the following:
- write files to segments and maintain their hint files
- compaction over the segments to reduce memory usage
- synchronizing between the compaction, reader and writer threads.
- fast recovery using hint files
- install java 11
- install maven
- run
mvn install
- install docker
- run
docker compose up -d
- run
- verfiy that everything is working by quering kibana by running
GET weather-status/_search
in the dev tools editor or query elastic search directly