Author: Markus Oberweger
- OS:
- Ubuntu 14.04
- via Ubuntu package manager:
- python2.7
- python-matplotlib
- python-scipy
- python-pil
- python-numpy
- python-vtk6
- python-opencv2
- python-qt4
- python-pip
- via pip install:
- progressbar
- psutil
- theano (0.8)
For a description of our method see:
M. Oberweger, G. Riegler, P. Wohlhart, and V. Lepetit. Efficiently Creating 3D Training Data for Fine Hand Pose Estimation. In Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2016.
- Read the included manual on how to use our method
- Put dataset files into ./data
- Download SIFTFlow and put it into ./src/etc/sift_flow
- Goto ./src and see the main file how to handle the API
- Goto ./src and see the main files and how to do the annotation for your own dataset