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👇   support for Amplify Cloud and Mobile   👇

RIP Axway Amplify Titanium (2010 - 2022)

🪦   RIP Axway Amplify Titanium (2010 - 2022)

🪦   RIP Axway Amplify Cloud Services (2012 - 2022)

🪦   RIP Axway Amplify Crash Analytics (2015 - 2022)

🛑    Axway support for Amplify products has ended for most products related to mobile and cloud.

A few of the open-source versions of Axway Amplify products will live on after Axway Amplify End-of-Life (EOL) announcements. However, all closed-source projects and most open-source projects are now dead.


👉    A group of Axway employees, ex-Axway employees, and some developers from Titanium community have created a legal org and now officially decide all matters related to future of these products.




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@titanium/googlesignin Dependabot Status

📝 Description

Native modules that allows you to use the Google Sign-in SDK with Axway Titanium native mobile apps.

This is a repackaging of the compiled iOS module for ti.googlesignin to allow for installation via npm.

🚀 Getting Started

Install @titanium/googlesignin in root of project

npm install @titanium/googlesignin

Add required properties to iOS plist in tiapp.xml

<ti:app xmlns:ti="">
						<!-- Example: com.googleusercontent.apps.123456789-xxxxxxxx -->


  • Includes Titanium native iOS module: ti.googlesignin 3.0.0



This module was designed to follow a similar scheme like Ti.Facebook and Ti.GoogleSignIn.

const google = require('ti.googlesignin');

	clientID: '',

    // Optional properties:
    serverClientID: '<server-client-id>',
    scopes: [''], // See for more
    language: 'de', // Or 'de-DE', 'en-US', etc.
    loginHint: 'Titanium rocks!',
    hostedDomain: '',
    shouldFetchBasicProfile: false, // Default: true
	openIDRealm: 'my-openID-realm',

google.addEventListener('login', e => {
	if (!e.success) {
		Ti.API.error(`Cannot login to Google: ${e.error}`);

	const result = e.user;'Logged in to Google!');
	// Do something with user result

google.addEventListener('logout', e => {'Google Logged out / disconnected!');

// sign in

// sign out
if (google.hasAuthInKeychain()) {



  • signIn()
  • signInSilently()
  • signOut()
  • disconnect()
  • hasAuthInKeychain -> Boolean
  • currentUserImageURLWithSize(size) -> String


  • language (String, get|set)
  • currentUser (Dictionary, get)
    • id (String)
    • scopes (Array)
    • serverAuthCode (String)
    • hostedDomain (String)
    • profile (Dictionary)
      • name (String)
      • givenName (String)
      • familyName (String)
      • email (String)
      • hasImage (Boolean)
    • authentication (Dictionary)
      • clientID (String)
      • accessToken (String)
      • accessTokenExpirationDate (Date)
      • refreshToken (String)
      • idToken (String)
      • idTokenExpirationDate (Date)


  • login
  • logout
  • cancel
  • load
  • open
  • close

The login- and logout events include a success flag as well as a user key that includes the following user-infos:

id, scopes, serverAuthCode, hostedDomain, profile, authentication


Apache 2.0


Hans Knöchel

📚Learn More

ti.googlesignin GitHub Repo - Repo for original ti.googlesignin module

📣 Feedback

Have an idea or a comment? Join in the conversation here!

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Modules are licensed under Apache 2.0 from

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Alloy is made available under the Apache Public License, version 2. See their license file for more information.

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