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Intro to Databases Project Pricosha Nowsha Islam, David Li, Eli Zhu


Pricosha is a platform for friends to connect and share content with their social circles. Users are allowed to create groups for their friends, families, or other circles. Users are able to post content and share that content with their groups. Users are able to interact with items by sharing, tagging another person in that item , or by rating the item. Users are able to interact with other users by adding them to groups and tagging them.

Extra Features

  1. David Li – Deleting a post Pricosha allows the user to remove a ContentItem that they have posted. Any person who was tagged will no longer be tagged. This is a good feature because it’s very plausible a user would want to remove something they posted. Nothing additional will need to be added to the database schema. The post will simply be removed.

Application source code for the deletepost feature can be found beginning at line 225. Queries used to implement the deletepost feature: #checks to make sure the user does not try to delete an item they did not post by entering the item_id in the url postsquery = 'SELECT * from contentitem WHERE item_id = %s AND item_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT item_id FROM contentitem WHERE email_post = %s)' cursor.execute(postsquery, (item_id, email))

this deletes the post with the item_id specified

itemToDelete = 'DELETE FROM contentitem WHERE item_id = %s' cursor.execute(itemToDelete, (item_id))

Screenshots demonstrating the deletepost features:

1.1 Under the Your Profile page, the user has the option to delete posts


Corresponding Data: 2

1.2 After deleting the “test” post, the post is no longer shown 3

The post is also no longer in the database: 4

  1. David Li - Defriending A user will be able to remove someone from a FriendGroup the user owns.This is a good feature because FriendGroups should be dynamic. It should be possible to remove friends in addition to adding them. Nothing additional will need to be added to the database schema. The user will simply be removed from the FriendGroup. (posts are also removed?) (dont need to talk about mem_status here i believe, will only say if they are a member..)

Application source code for the unfriend feature can be found beginning at line 409. Queries used to implement the unfriend feature:

protects against someone entering data from url trying to delete user not in group

query = 'SELECT * FROM belong WHERE email = %s AND fg_name = %s AND owner_email = %s' cursor.execute(query, (friend_email, fg_name, admin_email)) #this deletes from the tag table if someone who tagged or was tagged can no longer see the contentitem because of soemone being removed from a fg deletetag = 'delete from tag where item_id in (select item_id from belong natural join share where owner_email = %s and fg_name = %s and email = %s) and (email_tagged in (select email from belong where fg_name = %s and owner_email = %s) and email_tagged not in (select email from belong natural join share where fg_name != %s and item_id in (select item_id from belong natural join share where owner_email = %s and fg_name = %s and email = %s)) or (email_tagger in (select email from belong where fg_name = %s and owner_email = %s) and email_tagger not in (select email from belong natural join share where fg_name != %s and item_id in (select item_id from belong natural join share where owner_email = %s and fg_name = %s and email = %s))))' cursor.execute(deletetag, (admin_email, fg_name, friend_email, fg_name, admin_email, fg_name, admin_email, fg_name, friend_email, fg_name, admin_email, fg_name, admin_email, fg_name, friend_email))

#this deletes the item from the share table shareToDelete = 'Delete from share where owner_email = %s and fg_name = %s and item_id in (select item_id from (select item_id from belong natural join share natural join contentitem where owner_email = %s and fg_name = %s and email_post = %s) as alias )' cursor.execute(shareToDelete, (admin_email, fg_name, admin_email, fg_name, friend_email))

this removes a friend from the belong table

itemToDelete = 'DELETE FROM belong WHERE email = %s AND fg_name = %s AND owner_email = %s' cursor.execute(itemToDelete, (friend_email, fg_name, admin_email))

Screenshots demonstrating the unfriend feature: 2.1 Under the Your Profile page, the user has the option to defriend a member, thus removing them from a group.


Corresponding Data:


2.2 After removing John Doe from people, John Doe is no longer listed as a member of people.


He is also no longer listed as a member in the database.


  1. Eli Zhu – Member Hierarchy Pricosha will allow owners to promote members to be moderators of a FriendGroup. A moderator has the ability to remove members from the FriendGroup. Owners can also demote members from being moderators. This feature allows more users to have an input on who can belong to a FriendGroup. This additional feature will make users more invested in their FriendGroups. The attribute mem_status was added to Belong to indicate if a member was an admin or moderator. Application source code for the givemod feature can be found beginning at line 247. Queries used to implement the givemod feature: #check if person exists checkquery = 'SELECT * FROM belong WHERE owner_email = %s AND fg_name = %s AND email = %s' cursor.execute(checkquery,(email,fg_name, to_mod)) #this query updates the mem_status to moderator mod_query = "update belong set mem_status = 'moderator' where owner_email = %s and fg_name = %s and email = %s" cursor.execute(mod_query,(email,fg_name, to_mod)) Application source code for the unmod feature can be found beginning at line 272. Queries used to implement the unmod feature: #check if person exists checkquery = 'SELECT * FROM belong WHERE owner_email = %s AND fg_name = %s AND email = %s' cursor.execute(checkquery,(email,fg_name, de_mod)) #this query changed mem_status from moderator to member mod_query = "update belong set mem_status = 'member' where owner_email = %s and fg_name = %s and email = %s" cursor.execute(mod_query,(email,fg_name, de_mod)) cursor.execute(mod_query,(email,fg_name, de_mod))

Screenshots demonstrating the givemod/unmod features: 3.1 When a user logs in, the home page displays what groups the user owns as well as groups the user moderates.


3.2 The owner can choose who can be a moderator in the Your Profile page


Corresponding Data:

![11] (Screenshots/11.png)

3.3 Data after owner demotes John Doe from being a moderator in people 12

  1. Nowsha Islam – Comments User will be able to add comments to ContentItems that are visible to them. A comments table was added to the database. The comments table contains the following attributes: comment_id, comment, comment_time, item_id, and email_comment (the email of the user who commented.) The primary key is comment_id. The attribute item_id in comments is a foreign key from comments, referencing ContentItem(item_id.) This is a good feature because it gives Pricosha more functionality and allows the user to express their opinions on different posts.The attribute email_comment in comments is a foreign key from comments, referencing Person(email.)

Application source code for the comments feature can be found beginning at line 324 Queries used to implement the comments feature: #check if item_id is one of the items you can see

postsquery = 'SELECT * FROM contentitem WHERE item_id = %s AND item_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT item_id FROM contentitem WHERE (item_id IN (SELECT item_id FROM contentitem NATURAL JOIN belong NATURAL JOIN share WHERE email = %s) OR item_id IN (SELECT item_id FROM contentitem WHERE is_pub = true)))' cursor.execute(postsquery, (item_id, email)) #this query returns all the comments that are already posted for a content item getcomments = 'SELECT DISTINCT comment_id, comment, comment_time, item_id, email_comment FROM comments WHERE item_id = %s' cursor.execute(getcomments, (item_id)) #this query inserts the users comment into the comments table ins = 'INSERT INTO comments (comment, comment_time, item_id, email_comment) VALUES(%s, %s, %s, %s)' cursor.execute(ins, (comment, time, item_id, email))

Screenshots demonstrating the comments feature: 4.1 When the user logs in, the option to comment on other people’s posts is shown on the home page.


4.2 Clicking on Comments will show a page that gives the option to comment on the selected ContentItem and previous comments.



4.3 Database before the “cool” comment is posted:


4.4 Database after the “cool” comment is posted:



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