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GrafDimenzio edited this page Aug 14, 2020 · 15 revisions



Invokes when a Player presses use on a door.

Parameters: (DoorInteractEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player who used the door
ev.Allow = Allow the player to open the door?
ev.Door = The Door which the player tried to open


Invokes when a Tesla is activated.

Parameter: (TeslaTriggerEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player who activated the Tesla
ev.IsHurtRange = Is the Player in damage range
ev.Triggerable = Can the Tesla activate?


Invokes when the warhead is detonated.

No parameters required.



Invoked when a player joined the Server

Parameter: (PlayerJoinEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player who joined
ev.Nick = The nickname of the Player


Invoked when a Player left the Server

Parameter: (PlayerLeaveEvent ev)

ev.Player = Player who left the Server


Invoked when a player begins to speak.

Parameter: (PlayerSpeakEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player who speaks
ev.DissonanceUserSetup = The Voice setup class for the player
ev.Scp939Talk = Is the user allowed to talk in the SCP-939 Chat? (Only works if the Player is a Scp)
ev.IntercomTalk = Is the User allowed to talk in the Intercom Chat (Only works if the Player is a Human)
ev.RadioTalk = Is the User allowed to talk in the Radio Chat (Only works if the Player is a Human)
ev.ScpChat = Is the User allowed to talk in the Scp Chat (Only works if the Player is a Scp)
ev.SpectatorChat = Is the User allowed to talk in the Spectator Chat (Only works if the Player is a Spectator)


Invoked when a player gets banned by an admin.

Parameter: (PlayerBanEvent ev)

ev.Allowed = Can the Player be banned?
ev.BannedPlayer = The Player who got banned
ev.Issuer = The Admin who banned a player
ev.Duration = The duration of the Ban
ev.Reason = The reason of the Ban


Invoked when a player dies

Parameter: (PlayerDeathEvent ev)

ev.Info = Hitinfos about the death
ev.Killer = The Player who killed someone
ev.Player = The Player who got killed


Invoked when a Player gets hurt

Parameter: (PlayerHurtEvent ev)

ev.Info = Hitinfos about the Hit
ev.Attacker = The Player who attacked someone
ev.Player = The Player who gets attacked


Invoked when a Playwer is cuffed

Parameter: (PlayerCuffedEvent ev)

ev.Cuffer = The Player that is cuffing
ev.Target = The Player that is being cuffed
ev.Allow = Allow the Cuffing of the Player


Invoked when a Player Escapes

Parameter: (PlayerEscapeEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player that escapes
ev.Allow = Can the Player escape?
ev.SpawnRole = The Role the Player escapes as
ev.CufferRole = The Role that the Player was at the time of escape
ev.IsCuffed = Is the Player cuffed?


Invoked when Walk Data is Synchronized

Parameter: (SyncDataEvent ev)

ev.Allow = Allow the Sync?
ev.Player = The Player that Syncs
ev.Speed = The Movment Speed
ev.State = Is the Player Walking?


Invoked when a Player reloads a weapon

Parameter: (PlayerReloadEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player that reloads a weapon
ev.Allow = Can the Player reload?
ev.InventorySlot = The Weapon that is being reloaded


Invoked when a Player enters the Femur Breaker

Parameter: (FemurEnterEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player that entered
ev.Allow = Can the Player enter the Femur Breaker?
ev.CloseFemur = Is the Femur Breaker Closing?


Invoked when a Player dropped an Item

Parameter: (DropItemEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player that is dropping an item
ev.Item = The Item being dropped
ev.Allow = Can the Player drop an item?

Generator Events

These are the Parameters used for these Events:

  • GeneratorInsertedEvent
  • GeneratorEjectedEvent
  • GeneratorUnlockEvent
  • GeneratorOpenEvent
  • GeneratorCloseEvent

Paramater: (GeneratorEvent ev)

ev.Allow = Allow the Event?
ev.Generator = The Generator that is being used.
ev.Player = The Player that interacted with the Generator


Invoked when an Item is Used

Parameter: (UseItemEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player that used an Item
ev.Allow = Allow the Usage of the Item


Invoked when a Player picks up an item

Parameter: (PickupItemEvent ev)

ev.Allow = Allow the Player to pickup the Item
ev.Pickup = The Item that got Picked up
ev.Player = The Player that Picked up the Item


Invoked when a Player gets a new Role.

Parameter: (PlayerSetClassEvent ev)

ev.Items = A List of Items the Player gets when Spawning
ev.Player = The Player that is getting a Class
ev.Role = The Role that the Player is getting assigend to.


Invoked when a player request to hide/show his tag/badge

Parameter: (PlayerTagEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player that request to show/hide his tag/badge
ev.ShowTag = Is the Request to show his tag/badge
ev.Allow = Is the Player allow to show/hide his tag/badge


Invoked when a player press a key (and synced his binds before)

Parameter: (KeyPressEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player which press the key
ev.Key = The Key which is pressed


Invoked when a Player heals himself

Parameter: (PlayerHealEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player which heals himself
ev.Amount = The Amount of hp the Player heals
ev.Allow = Is the Player allowed to heal?


Invoked when a Player throws a Grenade

Parameter: (PlayerThrowGrenadeEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player which throws the Grenade
ev.Grenade = The Grenade type which are thrown
ev.Slow = Is it a Grenade which is thrown short or far
ev.FuseTime = The time until the Grenade will exploit
ev.Allow = Is the Player Allowed to throw the Grenade



Invoked when Scp-049 revives someone

Parameter: (Scp049RecallEvent ev)

ev.Allow = Can the Player be resurected?
ev.Ragdoll = Gameobject of the Ragdoll that is being revived
ev.Target = The Player that is being revived
ev.RespawnRole = The Role the Player is getting revived to.
ev.TargetHealth = The HP Ammount of the Player after reviving
ev.Player = The Player that is Scp049


Invoked when a player gets sent to the Pocket dimension.

Parameter: (PocketDimensionEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player that got sent to the Pocket Dimension
ev.Allow = Can the Player be sent to the Pocket Dimension?


Invoked when Scp106 is being recontained via Femur Breaker.

Parameter: (Scp106ContainmentEvent ev)

ev.Player = Scp106
ev.Allow = Can Scp106 be recontained?


Invoked when Scp079 Levels-Up.

Parameter: (Scp079GainLvlEvent ev)

ev.Allow = Can Scp079 level up?
ev.NewLvl = The New Level of Scp079
ev.Player = The Player that is Scp079


Invoked when Scp106 creates a Portal

Parameter: (Scp106CreatePortalEvent ev)

ev.Player = The Player which creates the Portal
ev.Allow = Is the Player allowed to create the Portal



Invoked when the round restarts

Parameter: No Parameter


Invoked when the round ends

Parameter: No Parameter


Invoked when the round starts

Parameter: No Parameter


Invoked when a RA (Remote Admin) Command is Entered

Parameter: (RemoteCommandEvent ev)

ev.Allow = Allow the Command to be used.
ev.Sender = The Sender of the Command
ev.Command = The Command sent


Invoked when a Player used the Local Console to sent a Command

Parameter: (ConsoleCommandEvent ev)

ev.Command = The Command issued
ev.Player = The Player that used the Command


Invoked when one team respawnes.

Parameter: (TeamRespawnEvent ev)

ev.Allow = Allow the team to respawn?
ev.IsChaos = Is the Respawning Team CI or MTF?
ev.RespawnList = A List of Players that is being respawned
ev.UseTickets = Subtract the Tickets?


Invoked when the Player PreAuthenticates.

Parameter: (PreAuthenticationEvent ev)

ev.Allow = Allow the User to Connect?
ev.Request = The Authentication Request sent
ev.UserId = The UserId who authenticated.


Invoked when the Server is WaitingForPlayers.

Parameter: No Parameter


Invoked when the Round is comming to the End.

Parameter: (CheckRoundEndEvent ev)

ev.Allow = Allow the Round to End
ev.ForceEnd = Force the Round to End, even if no winner is detement
ev.LeadingTeam = The Team that won in the end.
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