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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Software Requirements
  3. Software implementation
  4. Results
  5. Conclusion
  6. Contact
  7. Acknowledgements

About the project

The use of a physical device for human-computer interaction, such as a mouse or keyboard, hinders natural interface since it creates a significant barrier between the user and the machine.
However, new sorts of HCI solutions have been developed as a result of the rapid growth of technology and software.
In this project , I have made use of a robust hand and finger tracking system ,which can efficiently track both hand and hand landmarks features , in order to make a fun Ninja fruit-like game.

Software Requirements:

Python environment:

  • Python 3.9
  • A python IDE , in my case I used PyCharm.


  • OpenCV : OpenCV is the world's largest and most popular computer vision library . The library is cross-platform and free for use.
  • MediaPipe : MediaPipe offers cross-platform, customizable ML solutions for live and streaming media. it will help us detect and track hands and handlandmarks features.
  • Numpy : introducing support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, as well as a vast set of high-level mathematical functions to manipulate them.

NB: All these packages need to be installed properly.

Software implementation:

Hand Landmark Model:

For more details check this Mediapipe hand tracking documentation. image

Following palm detection over the entire image, the hand landmark model uses regression to accomplish exact keypoint localization of 21 3D hand-knuckle coordinates within the detected hand regions, i.e. direct coordinate prediction.

Concerning the MULTI_HAND_LANDMARKS: Collection of detected/tracked hands, where each hand is represented as a list of 21 hand landmarks and each landmark is composed of x, y and z. x and y are normalized to [0.0, 1.0] by the image width and height respectively. z represents the landmark depth with the depth at the wrist being the origin, and the smaller the value the closer the landmark is to the camera. The magnitude of z uses roughly the same scale as x.

Python implementation:

Now let's get to our code:
Let's begin with importing the required packages

import cv2 
import time               # useful for calculating the FPS rate
import random             # for spawning "fruits" at random positions and random colours
import mediapipe as mp    # for hand detection and tracking
import math               # for various mathematical calculations
import numpy as np

Now lets get our objects :

mp_drawing =
mp_drawing_styles =
mp_hands =

hands = mp_hands.Hands(False,1,0.7,0.5)

The hands = mp_hands.Hands(False,1,0.7,0.5) line is used to initialize a MediaPipe Hand object.
Its arguments are as follows:

  • static_image_mode: Whether to treat the input images as a batch of staticand possibly unrelated images, or a video stream.
  • max_num_hands: Maximum number of hands to detect.
  • min_detection_confidence: Minimum confidence value ([0.0, 1.0]) for hand detection to be considered successful.
  • min_tracking_confidence: Minimum confidence value ([0.0, 1.0]) for the hand landmarks to be considered tracked successfully.

now , the below variables will be needed to calcumate the FPS rate.

curr_Frame = 0
prev_Frame = 0
delta_time = 0

Let's create and assign our gameplay variables:

next_Time_to_Spawn = 0   # variable to compute the time to spawn a "fruit".
Speed = [0,5]            # Speed vector along the x , y axis
Fruit_Size = 30          # radius of the circle representing the fruit
Spawn_Rate = 1           # Spawning rate of "fruits" (Per second) initially at 1 fruit /s
Score = 0                # Score initially at 0
Lives = 15               # number of Lives initially at 15
Difficulty_level= 1      # Difficulty level which will increase according to Score, initially at 1
game_Over=False          # Whether the game is lost , initially false ofc.
slash = np.array([[]],np.int32)   # a numpy array of arrays in order to keep track of the index finger positions in order to draw a curve representing the slash
slash_Color=(255,255,255)         # initial slash color : white
slash_length= 19                  # number of points to keep track of

w=h=0       # to store width and height of the frame
Fruits=[]   # the list to keep track of the "fruits" on screen

Now lets create our functions : lets begin with fruit spawning function:

def Spawn_Fruits():
 fruit = {}
 random_x = random.randint(15,600)                                                   # x position of the fruit randomly generated
 random_color = (random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255))  # Colour of the fruit randomly generated,(random_x,440),Fruit_Size,random_color,-1)                           # uncomment to test the of spawning the fruit as a circle on random x position and on a 440 y position
 fruit["Color"] = random_color                                                       
 fruit["Next_position"] = [0,0]
  • Each fruit data is represented with a dictionary with the following keys : "Color" , "Curr_position" ,"Next_position" .
  • In order to keep track of each fruit after its creation it must be appended to the Fruit list
  • Each fruit is generated at position of a 440 value on the y axis and a random position between 15 and 600 on the x axis
  • Each fruit is generated with a random colour of value between 0 and 255 on each of the rgb channels.

Now let's move our "fruits":

def Fruit_Movement(Fruits , speed):
    global Lives

    for fruit in Fruits:
        if (fruit["Curr_position"][1]) < 20 or (fruit["Curr_position"][0]) > 650 :
            Lives = Lives - 1
            #print("removed ", fruit)
        fruit["Next_position"][0]= fruit["Curr_position"][0] + speed[0] 
        fruit["Next_position"][1]= fruit["Curr_position"][1] - speed[1] 

  • For each fruit in our list : we check the position of the fruit :if its y position is below 20 then we decrement the Lives variable.
  • Each fruit's next position is equals to it's previous position + speed.

Lets get a function to calculate a distance between two 2d points :

def distance(a , b):
    x1 = a[0]
    y1 = a[1]

    x2 = b[0]
    y2 = b[1]

    d =math.sqrt(pow(x1 -x2,2)+pow(y1-y2,2))
    return int(d)

Now let's get to the main part of the code:

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)           # we set our pc webcam as our input
while(cap.isOpened()):              # while the webcam is opened
    success , img =      # capture images
    if not success:
        print("skipping frame")
    h, w, c = img.shape             # get the dimensions of our image 
    img = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.flip(img, 1), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)  # we flip the img bc it's initially mirrored and convert it from BGR to RGB in order to process it correctly with mediapipe
    img.flags.writeable = False     # To improve performance, optionally mark the image as not writeable to pass by reference.
    results = hands.process(img)    # launch the detection and tracking process on our img and store the results in "results"
    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # reconvert the img to its initial BGR Color space
    if results.multi_hand_landmarks:                          #if a hand is detected
        for hand_landmarks in results.multi_hand_landmarks:
            mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(                        # draw the landmarks 

            for id , lm in enumerate(hand_landmarks.landmark): 
                if id == 8:                                       # id = 8 corresponds with the tip of the index finger
                    index_pos=(int(lm.x * w) ,int(lm.y * h))      # store the position of the index figer along the x and y axis
                                                                  # each hand is represented as a list of 21 hand landmarks and each landmark is composed of x, y and z. x and y are normalized to [0.0, 1.0] by the image width and height respectively. 
                                                                  #so in order to get the correct position we mutiply the x and y by the width and height of our image
                    slash=np.append(slash,index_pos)              # apped the position of the index in a numpy array

                    while len(slash) >= slash_length:             # keep the length of the slash array constant
                        slash = np.delete(slash , len(slash) -slash_length , 0)

                    for fruit in Fruits:                              
                        d= distance(index_pos,fruit["Curr_position"])           #calculate the distance between the index finger tip and each of the fruits
                        if(d < Fruit_Size):                                     # if distance < size of the fruit the the fruit is "cut"
                            Score= Score + 100                                  # the score increments by 100
                            slash_Color = fruit["Color"]                        # the slash takes the color of the last fruit "cut"
                            Fruits.remove(fruit)                                # remove the fruit that was cut from the list of fruits

      if Score % 1000 ==0 and Score != 0:        #each time the score is a multiple of 1000 (1000 , 2000 etc ..)
        Difficulty_level = (Score / 1000) + 1    # Difficulty level increments by 1 for every 1000 score
        Difficulty_level= int(Difficulty_level)  # convert it to integer value
        Spawn_Rate =  Difficulty_level * 4/5     # Spawn rate increases by 80 %
        Speed[0] = Speed[0] * Difficulty_level   
        Speed[1] = int(5 * Difficulty_level /2) # speed increases by 250 %


    if(Lives<=0):  # if u run out of lives the game is over

    slash=slash.reshape((-1,1,2))                     # reshape the slash array in order to draw a polyline a visualize the slash
    cv2.polylines(img,[slash],False,slash_Color,15,0) # draw the slash

    curr_Frame = time.time()
    delta_Time = curr_Frame - prev_Frame
    FPS = int(1/delta_Time)                 #calculating the fps
    cv2.putText(img,"FPS : " +str(FPS),(int(w*0.82),50),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,0.6,(0,250,0),2)                 #printing the fps on the screen
    cv2.putText(img,"Score: "+str(Score),(int(w*0.35),90),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,1,(255,0,0),5)                 #printing the score on the screen
    cv2.putText(img,"Level: "+str(Difficulty_level),(int(w*0.01),90),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,1,(255,0,150),5)    #printing the Level on the screen
    cv2.putText(img,"Lives remaining : " + str(Lives), (200, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 0, 255), 2)  #printing remaining lives on the screen

    prev_Frame = curr_Frame

    if not (game_Over):                               # if the game is still not over then keep spawning and moving the fruits
        if  (time.time() > next_Time_to_Spawn):       
            next_Time_to_Spawn = time.time() + (1 / Spawn_Rate)


    else:                                     # if game is over then print it and clear all the fruits
        cv2.putText(img, "GAME OVER", (int(w * 0.1), int(h * 0.6)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 3, (0, 0, 255), 3)
    cv2.imshow("img", img)                    #display the resulting image

    if cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF == ord("q"):     # the "q" button to quit

cap.release()                                 # release the webcam




In this project, we successfullty detected and tracked a hand and its landmarks ,using the mediapipe module, and were able to extract data in order to create an interactive hand gesture mini-game with basic gameplay features such as score , difficulty level and losing conditions.




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