This is open source library for creating artificial neural network in c programming language for general purpose use.
This library is essentialy made for Embedded Machine Learning. It's based on memory management (Not fully secured yet).
- Create_Network
- forward_propagation
- ReLU
- Sigmoid
- Tanh
- Softmax
Network_Topology_t MyNetworkTopology = {.input_layer_dense = 2,
.hidden_layer_dense = 5,
.hidden_layer_num = 2,
.output_layer_dense = 4,
.activation_function = &ELU,
.output_activation_function = &SoftMax,
.loss_function = &MSE,
.optimizer_function = &GradientDescent};
Network_Config_t MyNetworkConfig = {.learning_rate = 0.1332,
.dropout = false,
.epochs = 10};
By calling the "Create_Network()" function after setting all the parameters
DNN_Network *myNetwork = Create_Network(&MyNetworkTopology, &MyNetworkConfig);
This line creating like Cpp Class to your ANN network.
After creating your network with your parameters. To feed forward through the network
This line call the forward propagation algorithm to your created network