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🗨️ Chat Application - Laravel and React

Laravel React

📄 Project Overview

A real-time chat application built with Laravel for the backend and React for the frontend. The project is containerized using Docker for seamless development and deployment.

⚙️ Installation & Setup

🔧 Prerequisites

  • Docker 🐳
  • Docker Compose 📦
  • Node.js (for frontend) 🟦
  • Composer (for backend) 🎵

🛠️ Setup

# Clone the repository
git clone <repo-url>
cd project-directory

# Start services
docker-compose up -d

# Install dependencies
# Backend
docker-compose exec backend composer install

# Frontend
docker-compose exec frontend npm install

📂 Project Structure

├── backend/               # Laravel API
│   ├── app/
│   ├── database/
│   └── routes/
├── frontend/              # React Frontend
│   ├── src/
│   └── public/
└── docker-compose.yml

📄 Managing .env Files

The .env files are used to configure environment variables for both the Laravel backend and the React frontend.

📂 Backend: Environment Variable Configuration with Laravel

In the backend folder, the .env file is used to configure essential variables for the Laravel application.

# The .env files allow configuring environment variables for different scenarios:
# 1. .env: Default file containing main values.
# 2. .env.local: Local file not versioned for specific overrides.
# 3. .env.$APP_ENV: File for environment-specific configurations (local, production, etc.).
# 4. .env.$APP_ENV.local: Specific overrides for each environment (non-versioned).

# DO NOT store production secrets in this file or any other versioned file.
# Use appropriate secrets management tools, such as cloud services or local solutions.

###> Laravel Application Settings ###
# Application name
# Application environment (local, production, etc.)
# Secret key for the application, to be generated for each project
# Application debug mode (true or false)
# Application URL for redirections, etc.
###< Laravel Application Settings ###

###> Database Configuration ###
# Database connection type
# Database file used for development

# Configuration for the test database
###< Database Configuration ###

📂 Frontend: Configuration with React

In the frontend folder, the .env file contains variables specific to the React.js application with Vite

# URL for the Backend API (Laravel)

🛠️ Technologies Used

Apache PHP Laravel React

SQLite Composer Docker Docker Compose

🔌 API Endpoints

🗣️ Conversations

  • POST /api/conversations – Start a new conversation
  • DELETE /api/conversations/{id} – Delete a conversation

💬 Messages

  • GET /api/conversations/{id}/messages – Retrieve all messages in a conversation
  • POST /api/conversations/{id}/messages – Send a new message
  • PUT /api/messages/{id} – Edit an existing message
  • DELETE /api/messages/{id} – Remove a message

👤 Users

  • POST /api/register – Register a new user
  • POST /api/login – Authenticate and log in
  • GET /api/users – Retrieve list of all users (Admin only)
  • GET /api/user – Get currently authenticated user
  • DELETE /api/user – Delete user account

🌟 Features

  • 🔐 Secure Authentication – Sessions-based login and registration
  • 🗨️ Real-time Private Messaging – Start one-on-one conversations
  • 🗄️ Database with Migrations – Automate database creation and seeding
  • 🖥️ React Frontend – Responsive and dynamic SPA for chat
  • 📡 WebSockets Integration – Real-time message updates

🚀 Running Tests

# Backend tests
docker-compose exec backend php artisan test

# Frontend build verification
docker-compose exec frontend npm run build

🧹 Tear Down

docker-compose down

🛠️ Contributing

Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

About Me 👨‍💻

Hi, I'm Mohamed Maghzaoui, a passionate software engineer with a wide range of expertise spanning from web development to IoT, cloud, and networking technologies. You can explore my work and projects online: