A real-time chat application built with Laravel for the backend and React for the frontend. The project is containerized using Docker for seamless development and deployment.
- Docker 🐳
- Docker Compose 📦
- Node.js (for frontend) 🟦
- Composer (for backend) 🎵
# Clone the repository
git clone <repo-url>
cd project-directory
# Start services
docker-compose up -d
# Install dependencies
# Backend
docker-compose exec backend composer install
# Frontend
docker-compose exec frontend npm install
├── backend/ # Laravel API
│ ├── app/
│ ├── database/
│ └── routes/
├── frontend/ # React Frontend
│ ├── src/
│ └── public/
└── docker-compose.yml
The .env
files are used to configure environment variables for both the Laravel backend and the React frontend.
In the backend folder, the .env
file is used to configure essential variables for the Laravel application.
# The .env files allow configuring environment variables for different scenarios:
# 1. .env: Default file containing main values.
# 2. .env.local: Local file not versioned for specific overrides.
# 3. .env.$APP_ENV: File for environment-specific configurations (local, production, etc.).
# 4. .env.$APP_ENV.local: Specific overrides for each environment (non-versioned).
# DO NOT store production secrets in this file or any other versioned file.
# Use appropriate secrets management tools, such as cloud services or local solutions.
###> Laravel Application Settings ###
# Application name
# Application environment (local, production, etc.)
# Secret key for the application, to be generated for each project
# Application debug mode (true or false)
# Application URL for redirections, etc.
###< Laravel Application Settings ###
###> Database Configuration ###
# Database connection type
# Database file used for development
# Configuration for the test database
###< Database Configuration ###
In the frontend folder, the .env file contains variables specific to the React.js application with Vite
# URL for the Backend API (Laravel)
– Start a new conversation - DELETE
– Delete a conversation
– Retrieve all messages in a conversation - POST
– Send a new message - PUT
– Edit an existing message - DELETE
– Remove a message
– Register a new user - POST
– Authenticate and log in - GET
– Retrieve list of all users (Admin only) - GET
– Get currently authenticated user - DELETE
– Delete user account
- 🔐 Secure Authentication – Sessions-based login and registration
- 🗨️ Real-time Private Messaging – Start one-on-one conversations
- 🗄️ Database with Migrations – Automate database creation and seeding
- 🖥️ React Frontend – Responsive and dynamic SPA for chat
- 📡 WebSockets Integration – Real-time message updates
# Backend tests
docker-compose exec backend php artisan test
# Frontend build verification
docker-compose exec frontend npm run build
docker-compose down
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Hi, I'm Mohamed Maghzaoui, a passionate software engineer with a wide range of expertise spanning from web development to IoT, cloud, and networking technologies. You can explore my work and projects online: