SynCode is a platform where users can code along with all their team-mates and change it live on the platform with the help of their room id without even logging in or signing up.
- Fork the Project.
Click the gray Fork
button in the top right of this page. This creates your copy of the project and saves it as a new repository in your github account.
- Clone the Forked Repository in your Local System.
Click on the green Code
button, then either the HTTPS or SSH option and, click the icon to copy the URL.
- Run the following commands in your code editor's terminal:
git clone
Switch to the cloned folder.
cd Syncode
Make a new branch.
git checkout -b <your-username>
- Download, Install & Configure
in your system.
Make sure that NPM
is also installed.
See the section about NodeJS for more information.
- Install Dependencies
npm install
- To run the project in Development mode, go to the
& set the "start" script as:
"start": "npm run build && npm run server:dev"
This runs the app in the development mode.
- To run the project in Production mode, go to the
& set the "start" script as:
"start": "npm run build && npm run server:prod"
This runs the app in the production mode.
- Run this command in your code editor's terminal to Fire Up the Local Server.
npm start
Now open http://localhost:5000 in your browser to view the Live Website.
npm run build
Builds the app for the production mode inside the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.
See the section about deployment for more information.
- Library:
- codemirror
- express
- react
- react-avatar
- react-dom
- react-hot-toast
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
- uuid
- web-vitals
- nodemon
- Framework: ExpressJS
- Version Control System: Git
- Version Control System Hosting: GitHub
- Programming / Scripting: JavaScript
- Front-End: HTML, CSS, ReactJS
- Runtime Environment: NodeJS
- Integrated Development Environment: VSCode
- Hosting: Heroku
Checkout the Live Website: SynCode
Contributions make the Open Source Community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create.
All your contributions are truly appreciated.