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what is s3_data_packer?

s3_data_packer contains 3 classes used for the management of files in s3 for uniform distribution and collation of files in an easy API. It contains 3 useful classes:

S3TableStore: an easy object for listing files in an s3 folder structure of basepath/table_name. When basepath or table_name are created. When either basepath or table_name are updated, the table log is also updated

S3OutputStore: used for determining a regular formatting output files in the either format:

  • s3://basepath/table_name/table_name_0.extension
  • s3://basepath/table_name/table_name_suffix_0.extension it also has a number of useful methods around determining what is the latest file and if the file is under a given file limit

S3DataPacker: packs data of any input format to any output format in a regular format (as prescribed by S3OutputStore) to a given size limit

Simple Usage

Simple Packing csv Files to snappy.parquet

Lets say in a bucket called s3://some-bucket/land/table/ you have the following files:

├─ land/
│  ├─ table/
│  │  ├─ table_data_final_NEW_1969.csv   1gb
│  │  ├─ table_data_new.csv              512mb

and you wanted to distibute these files evenly in s3:///some-bucket/db/table/ with no existing output files:

from s3_data_packer import S3DataPacker
packer = S3DataPacker(

would give you the following output in s3://some-bucket/db/table:

├─ db/
│  ├─ table/
|  │  ├─ table_0.snappy.parquet    256mb
|  │  ├─ table_1.snappy.parquet    256mb
|  │  ├─ table_2.snappy.parquet    256mb
|  |  ├─ table_3.snappy.parquet    256mb
|  │  ├─ table_4.snappy.parquet    256mb
|  │  ├─ table_5.snappy.parquet    256mb

if there were some existing data, this existing data would be incoorprated into the new packed data, and that file would be filled up until it was at the file limit, and the rest of the files are made as shown above.

what if the numbers aren't as easy as shown above?

The numbers shown are very round, so lets say under tha same situatuion, we have the following as an input:

├─ land/
│  ├─ table/
│  │  ├─ table_data_final_NEW_1969.csv   1gb
│  │  ├─ table_data_new.csv              512mb

and the following already exists in the output location:

├─ db/
│  ├─ table/
|  │  ├─ table_0.snappy.parquet    128mb

with the same script shown for the first example, it would produce the following output:

├─ db/
│  ├─ table/
|  │  ├─ table_0.snappy.parquet    256mb
|  │  ├─ table_1.snappy.parquet    256mb
|  │  ├─ table_2.snappy.parquet    256mb
|  |  ├─ table_3.snappy.parquet    256mb
|  │  ├─ table_4.snappy.parquet    256mb
|  │  ├─ table_5.snappy.parquet    256mb
|  │  ├─ table_6.snappy.parquet    128mb

Files are filled up in order. The data from the original table_0.snappy.parquet is still in that file, it has now just been concatenated with other data.

S3DataPacker is format agnostic, although it defaults to outputting as snappy.parquet, it can be used to chunk csv to jsonl, parquet to csv, or even csv to csv, basically any(jsonl, csv, parquet) to any(jsonl, csv, parquet) under the same sequential filling of data shown

Partitions and packing data

if you have a database with partitions, you may want to pack the data evenly in a given partition. So take the following input data:

├─ land/
│  ├─ table/
│  │  ├─ table_data_final_NEW_1969.csv   1gb
│  │  ├─ table_data_new.csv              512mb

and the following data alreay in the output:

├─ db/
│  ├─ table/
|  │  ├─ some_value=1649-01-30
|  |  │  ├─ table_0.snappy.parquet    128mb

if you want to add the data to this partition, you would:

from s3_data_packer import S3DataPacker
packer = S3DataPacker(
    output_partition = {"some_value": "1649-01-30"}

if you wanted to add data to a new partition, simply change the value given in the output_partition dictionary kwarg


Primarily, this is used to create Athena database parquet files that are evenly distributed to ensure that databases can be queried efficiently and avoiding skew.

Detailed interface


This is the base to S3OutputStore.

properties set on initialisation arguments:

  • basepath: str (required), an s3 formatted string (beginning "s3://"). This is the path that contains folder(s) that contain data. The folders in the basepath must be named after the table. can trigger _reset
  • table_name: str (optional) = None, the name of the table in question. This optional on initialisation, but should be set before calling any ofthe public methods. can trigger _reset
  • table_extension: str (optional) = None, file format of the files. If set, files are filtered on this else all files are considered (supported: csv, jsonl, parquet, snappy.parquet)
  • parition_name: str (optional) = None, the name of the partition used in this data set. It is used to populate S3TableStore.partition_values

not set on intialisation arguments:

  • table_log: dict{str: list}, a dictionary in the format:
    "table_name": ["table_file_0.csv", "table_file_1.csv" ... "table_file_n.csv"]

This is created by _init_table_log to give a list of all files in the table path.

  • _attrs_needed_for_reset: list[str], a list of properties that need to be set for _reset to trigger

While table_name is optional on initialisation, it should be set before calling any public methods.

public methods

  • get_files_from_table_log(full_path: bool = False) -> list: args:
    • full_path: set to False by default. If true, it will return the full path of the latest file includin the "s3://" prefix returns:
    • Returns a lits of files from the table log (see _init_table_log) this will return a list of files from the table log for the give n table_name.

private methods

  • _init_table_log(None): -> None queries s3 for the files in basepath/table_name/* and sets the table_log property. takes no arguements. returns nothing.

  • _get_table_basepath(None): -> str takes no arguemnts. returns:

    • returns the joing of basepath and table_name with a trailing slash
  • _reset: this is used interaly to call _init_table_log if basepath or table_name changes. It only calls _init_table_log if both have been set. takes no arguments. returns nothing.


properties set on initialisation arguments:

  • file_limit_gigabytes: int | float (optional), this is the limit for files to be considered "too big" and that must not be appended to anymore. In gigabytes.
  • table_suffix: str (optional) = None, a suffix for the table, this suffix goes before the filenumber but after the filename, making the output: {table_name}_{table_suffix}_{file_num}.{table_extension}
  • partition: dict (optional) = None, a dictionary mapping of the partition/partition value you want to write the data too. S3OutputStore will only consider data in this partition for it's calculations (e.g. latest file)

table_extension defaults to snappy.parquet for S3OutputStore

not set on initialisation arguments:

  • filenum: int, as the output of _get_latest_filenum on call of _set_latest_filenum in _reset
  • latest_file

private methods

  • _get_latest_file_by_suffix(files: list, maxim: bool = True, full_path: bool = False): -> str args:

    • files: A list of files to parse and extract the latest file from. This relies on the file list containing files in the format file_name_{file_num}.ext, which is the format S3DataPacker enforces. It is called internally with the output of get_files_from_table_log
    • maxim: if true, the maximum file number suffix is considered the latest, if False, then the lowest number is considered the latest file.
    • full_path: whether or not to return just the file name or the full path including the "s3://" prefix returns:
    • the latest file from the file log, using the above logic.
  • _get_filenum_from_filename(f: str) -> int args:

    • f: filename to extract the filenumber from. it expexts the filenumber to be the last element of an underscore seperated filename prior to any periods in. E.g. some_data_file_suffix_10.snappy.parquet. returns:
    • the number as described above as an interger
  • _set_latest_filenum(None) -> None Used internally to set what the latest (by defualt, by largest filnum suffix). If no files present in the table basepath, then it sets to 0

  • _should_append_data(None) -> bool returns: determines whether the latest file (from the output of _get_latest_file_by_suffix) should be appended to based on the file_limit_gigabytes (default 256mb). returns:

  • _get_filename(full_path: bool = False) -> str args:

    • full_path: set to False by default, if True will return the full path inclding "s3://" prefix returns:
    • the expected next filename out, in the format {table_name}_{table_suffix}_{file_num}.{table_extension} or {table_name}_{file_num}.{table_extension} if no suffix is specified
  • _reset: used to call _init_table_log and _set_latest_filenum with the same logic as in S3TableStore takes no arguments. returns nothing.



set on initialisation arguments

  • input_basepath: str (required), the location of the table(s) input file(s) used as the input. The files must be in a folder with the same name as table_name. passed as basepath to an object of S3TableStore
  • output_baspath: str (required), the location of the table(s) output file(s) where all outputs are written to, and any pre-existing outputs are. The files will be placed in folder with the same name as table_name. If files are to be appended, they must:
    • stick to the naming convention of {file_name_usually_table_name}_{table_suffix_if_applicable}_{filenum}.{ext}
    • be in a folder with the same name as table_name passed as basepath to an object of S3OutputStore.
  • table_name: str (required), the name of the table being created or appended to. passed as table_name to an object of each of S3TableStore and S3OutputStore
  • metadata: dict | Metadata | str (optional) = None, metadata of the selected table. Defaults to None.
  • output_file_ext: str (optional) = snappy.parquet, the file extension of the output required. If there are existing files in the output path ({output_basepath/table_name/*}) that are of a different file format, an error is raised. passed as table_extension to and object of S3OutputStore
  • input_file_ext: str (optional) = None, the file extension filter for input files (supported: csv, jsonl, parquet, snappy.parquet). passed as table_extension to an object of S3TableStore
  • cast_parquet: bool (optional) = False, cast parquet to metadata or not. Casting parquet files can cause issues in some edge cases
  • output_suffix: str (optional) = None, see table_suffix in S3OutputStore above. passed as table_suffix to an object of S3OutputStore
  • file_limit_gigabytes: int | float (optional) = 256*10^-3, this is the limit for files to be considered "too big" and that must not be appended to anymore. In gigabytes. passed as file_limit_gigabytes to an object of S3OutputStore
  • output_partition: dict (optional) = None, passed to S3OutputStore as partition. data will be written to this partition (appened or otherwise)
  • input_partition_name: str (optional) = None, passed to S3TableStore as partition_name. Has no real effect in this instance, but is used to populate S3DataPacker.input_store.partition_values if reading in from a partitioned source
  • read_chunksize: int or str (optional) = None. If not None this is used by arrow_pd_parser.reader to read data in chunks, which is useful when the data is too large to fit into memory.

not set from initialisation arguments

  • input_store: S3TableStore, initilaised with input_basepath, table_name, and input_file_ext
  • output_store: S3OutputStore, initialised with output_basepath, table_name, output_file_ext, and output_suffix
  • file_size_on_disk

public methods

  • pack_data(None): -> None distributes all files from the output of _append_files to output_basepath/table_name in file sizes approx file_limit_gigabytes in the format described in S3OutputStore._get_filename

private methods

  • _get_meta(ext: str = None): -> Metadata | None, returns metadata object if:

    • it has been set by metadata property AND
    • if output file is not parquet or snappy.parquet and if it is:
    • cast_parquet is True else, None
  • _set_file_size_on_disk(df: DataFrame) -> None sets file_size_on_disk of the all the data that needs to be chunked to s3

  • _get_chunk_increments(None): -> tuple(list[int], list[int]) returns:

    • two lists of intergers, where the first list is the start indexes of the dataframe and the second are the end indexes of the dataframe required to meet the file_limit_gigabytes
  • _get_input_files(None): -> list[DataFrame] returns:

    • a list DataFrames that are to be added to the output
  • _append_files(): -> DataFrame returns:

    • the full DataFrame of all data that is to be chunked and written to s3 inlcuding any existing data if the output of output_store._should_append_data() is True
  • _get_latest_file(None): -> DataFrame returns:

    • gets the existing latest file as a DataFrame from output_store._get_latest_file_by_suffix
  • _read_file(fp: str, ext: str = None) -> DataFrame args:

    • fp: the full "s3://" prefixed file path to be read
    • ext: the extension of the file being read, passsed to _get_meta returns:
    • a DataFrame cast to meta if _get_meta returns Metadata
  • _data_to_add(None): -> bool returns:

    • whether there is any data to add to the output table or not by checking whether there are any files in input_store.table_log