"Always On" is @deprecated
The cost of well designed infrastructure mirrors that of circadian rhythm.
An AWS construct that can be used to easily create reproducable Docker Images and ship them to ECR using local Dockerfiles.
The construct is optimized for PHP images.
The CDK/Infra code has 100% test coverage, automations for testing, and npm publishing.
It also features a unique approach to deployment using codebuild and step functions.
An example implementation using the above construct to build a php iamge.
This iamge uses the lambda/provided as its base, builds php 8, makes php executable in lambda.
This image is used to create a custom JWT authorizer lambda function for api gateway using okta.
IAAC approach to shipping a container to AWS fargate.
Including programtically making the github -> codebuild oauth connection to enable rebuilding of images on pushes to master.
Includes incremental rollouts using health checks.
If newly pushed images fail health checks, they are rolled back in ecr, and the current versions running in production are "re-tagged" as 'latest'
See another example of how to ship PHP code to lambda.
This was back in the dark ages when you had to use "layers", and AWS did not provide the lambda runtime as a simple dockerfile.
A IAAC approach to creating a completely serverless wordpress instance.
It uses Fargate, Aurora, and EFS.
Would I reccomend wordpress? Probably not.
Bbut if you're going to anyway, make it serverless!