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marshallward authored Oct 19, 2021
2 parents 4d9ed4f + 39c0c34 commit 1fb283b
Showing 1 changed file with 110 additions and 80 deletions.
190 changes: 110 additions & 80 deletions config_src/drivers/solo_driver/MOM_driver.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -96,8 +96,6 @@ program MOM_main
! This is .true. if incremental restart files may be saved.
logical :: permit_incr_restart = .true.

integer :: ns

! nmax is the number of iterations after which to stop so that the
! simulation does not exceed its CPU time limit. nmax is determined by
! evaluating the CPU time used between successive calls to write_cputime.
Expand All @@ -120,6 +118,7 @@ program MOM_main
type(time_type) :: Time_end ! End time for the segment or experiment.
type(time_type) :: restart_time ! The next time to write restart files.
type(time_type) :: Time_step_ocean ! A time_type version of dt_forcing.
logical :: segment_start_time_set ! True if segment_start_time has been set to a valid value.

real :: elapsed_time = 0.0 ! Elapsed time in this run [s].
logical :: elapsed_time_master ! If true, elapsed time is used to set the
Expand All @@ -136,9 +135,9 @@ program MOM_main
! chosen so that dt_forcing is an integer multiple of dt_dyn.
real :: dtdia ! The diabatic timestep [s]
real :: t_elapsed_seg ! The elapsed time in this run segment [s]
integer :: n, n_max, nts, n_last_thermo
integer :: n, ns, n_max, nts, n_last_thermo
logical :: diabatic_first, single_step_call
type(time_type) :: Time2, time_chg
type(time_type) :: Time2, time_chg ! Temporary time variables

integer :: Restart_control ! An integer that is bit-tested to determine whether
! incremental restart files are saved and whether they
Expand All @@ -152,23 +151,13 @@ program MOM_main
type(time_type) :: daymax ! The final day of the simulation.

integer :: CPU_steps ! The number of steps between writing CPU time.
integer :: date_init(6)=0 ! The start date of the whole simulation.
integer :: date(6)=-1 ! Possibly the start date of this run segment.
integer :: years=0, months=0, days=0 ! These may determine the segment run
integer :: hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0 ! length, if read from a namelist.
integer :: yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec ! Temp variables for writing the date.
integer :: date(6) ! Possibly the start date of this run segment.
type(param_file_type) :: param_file ! The structure indicating the file(s)
! containing all run-time parameters.
character(len=9) :: month
character(len=16) :: calendar = 'julian'
integer :: calendar_type=-1

integer :: unit, io_status, ierr
integer :: ensemble_size, nPEs_per, ensemble_info(6)
integer :: calendar_type=-1 ! A coded integer indicating the calendar type.

integer, dimension(0) :: atm_PElist, land_PElist, ice_PElist
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ocean_PElist
logical :: unit_in_use
integer :: unit, io_status, ierr
integer :: initClock, mainClock, termClock

logical :: debug ! If true, write verbose checksums for debugging purposes.
Expand All @@ -180,7 +169,8 @@ program MOM_main
! and diffusion equation are read in from files stored from
! a previous integration of the prognostic model

type(MOM_control_struct) :: MOM_CSp !> MOM control structure
type(MOM_control_struct) :: MOM_CSp !< The control structure with all the MOM6 internal types,
!! parameters and variables
type(tracer_flow_control_CS), pointer :: &
tracer_flow_CSp => NULL() !< A pointer to the tracer flow control structure
type(surface_forcing_CS), pointer :: surface_forcing_CSp => NULL()
Expand All @@ -195,14 +185,18 @@ program MOM_main

character(len=4), parameter :: vers_num = 'v2.0'
! This include declares and sets the variable "version".
#include "version_variable.h"
! This include declares and sets the variable "version".
# include "version_variable.h"
character(len=40) :: mod_name = "MOM_main (MOM_driver)" ! This module's name.

! These are the variables that might be read via the namelist capability.
integer :: date_init(6)=0 ! The start date of the whole simulation.
character(len=16) :: calendar = 'julian' ! The name of the calendar type.
integer :: years=0, months=0, days=0 ! These may determine the segment run
integer :: hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0 ! length, if read from a namelist.
integer :: ocean_nthreads = 1
logical :: use_hyper_thread = .false.
integer :: omp_get_num_threads,omp_get_thread_num
namelist /ocean_solo_nml/ date_init, calendar, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds,&
namelist /ocean_solo_nml/ date_init, calendar, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, &
ocean_nthreads, use_hyper_thread

Expand All @@ -213,18 +207,8 @@ program MOM_main


! Initialize the ensemble manager. If there are no settings for ensemble_size
! in input.nml(ensemble.nml), these should not do anything. In coupled
! configurations, this all occurs in the external driver.
call ensemble_manager_init() ; ensemble_info(:) = get_ensemble_size()
ensemble_size=ensemble_info(1) ; nPEs_per=ensemble_info(2)
if (ensemble_size > 1) then ! There are multiple ensemble members.
call ensemble_pelist_setup(.true., 0, nPEs_per, 0, 0, atm_pelist, ocean_pelist, &
land_pelist, ice_pelist)
call Set_PElist(ocean_pelist)
! Initialize the ensemble manager based on settings in input.nml(ensemble.nml).
call initialize_ocean_only_ensembles()

! These clocks are on the global pelist.
initClock = cpu_clock_id( 'Initialization' )
Expand All @@ -241,9 +225,7 @@ program MOM_main
read(unit, ocean_solo_nml, iostat=io_status)
call close_file(unit)
ierr = check_nml_error(io_status,'ocean_solo_nml')
if (years+months+days+hours+minutes+seconds > 0) then
if (is_root_pe()) write(*,ocean_solo_nml)
if (is_root_pe() .and. (years+months+days+hours+minutes+seconds > 0)) write(*,ocean_solo_nml)

! This call sets the number and affinity of threads with openMP.
Expand All @@ -253,13 +235,22 @@ program MOM_main
! The contents of dirs will be reread in initialize_MOM.
call get_MOM_input(dirs=dirs)

segment_start_time_set = .false.
! Read ocean_solo restart, which can override settings from the namelist.
if (file_exists(trim(dirs%restart_input_dir)//'ocean_solo.res')) then
date(:) = -1
call open_ASCII_file(unit, trim(dirs%restart_input_dir)//'ocean_solo.res', action=READONLY_FILE)
read(unit,*) calendar_type
read(unit,*) date_init
read(unit,*) date
call close_file(unit)

call set_calendar_type(calendar_type)
if (sum(date) >= 0) then
! In this case, the segment starts at a time fixed by ocean_solo.res
segment_start_time = set_date(date(1), date(2), date(3), date(4), date(5), date(6))
segment_start_time_set = .true.
calendar = uppercase(calendar)
if (calendar(1:6) == 'JULIAN') then ; calendar_type = JULIAN
Expand All @@ -272,8 +263,8 @@ program MOM_main
call MOM_error(FATAL,'MOM_driver: No namelist value for calendar')
call set_calendar_type(calendar_type)
call set_calendar_type(calendar_type)

if (sum(date_init) > 0) then
Expand All @@ -285,23 +276,18 @@ program MOM_main

call time_interp_external_init()

if (sum(date) >= 0) then
! In this case, the segment starts at a time fixed by ocean_solo.res
segment_start_time = set_date(date(1), date(2), date(3), date(4), date(5), date(6))
Time = segment_start_time
! In this case, the segment starts at a time read from the MOM restart file
! or left as Start_time by MOM_initialize.
Time = Start_time

! Call initialize MOM with an optional Ice Shelf CS which, if present triggers
! initialization of ice shelf parameters and arrays.
if (sum(date) >= 0) then
if (segment_start_time_set) then
! In this case, the segment starts at a time fixed by ocean_solo.res
Time = segment_start_time
call initialize_MOM(Time, Start_time, param_file, dirs, MOM_CSp, restart_CSp, &
segment_start_time, offline_tracer_mode=offline_tracer_mode, &
diag_ptr=diag, tracer_flow_CSp=tracer_flow_CSp, ice_shelf_CSp=ice_shelf_CSp)
! In this case, the segment starts at a time read from the MOM restart file
! or is left at Start_time by MOM_initialize.
Time = Start_time
call initialize_MOM(Time, Start_time, param_file, dirs, MOM_CSp, restart_CSp, &
offline_tracer_mode=offline_tracer_mode, diag_ptr=diag, &
tracer_flow_CSp=tracer_flow_CSp, ice_shelf_CSp=ice_shelf_CSp)
Expand All @@ -328,7 +314,7 @@ program MOM_main
call callTree_waypoint("done surface_forcing_init")

call get_param(param_file,mod_name, "USE_WAVES", Use_Waves, &
call get_param(param_file, mod_name, "USE_WAVES", Use_Waves, &
"If true, enables surface wave modules.",default=.false.)
! MOM_wave_interface_init is called regardless of the value of USE_WAVES because
! it also initializes statistical waves.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -432,16 +418,7 @@ program MOM_main
call diag_mediator_close_registration(diag)

! Write out a time stamp file.
if (is_root_pe() .and. (calendar_type /= NO_CALENDAR)) then
call open_ASCII_file(unit, 'time_stamp.out', action=APPEND_FILE)
call get_date(Time, date(1), date(2), date(3), date(4), date(5), date(6))
month = month_name(date(2))
write(unit,'(6i4,2x,a3)') date, month(1:3)
call get_date(Time_end, date(1), date(2), date(3), date(4), date(5), date(6))
month = month_name(date(2))
write(unit,'(6i4,2x,a3)') date, month(1:3)
call close_file(unit)
if (is_root_pe() .and. (calendar_type /= NO_CALENDAR)) call write_time_stamp_file(Time)

if (cpu_steps > 0) call write_cputime(Time, 0, write_CPU_CSp)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -616,34 +593,19 @@ program MOM_main
call save_restart(dirs%restart_output_dir, Time, grid, restart_CSp, GV=GV)
if (use_ice_shelf) call ice_shelf_save_restart(ice_shelf_CSp, Time, &
! Write ocean solo restart file.
if (is_root_pe()) then
call open_ASCII_file(unit, trim(dirs%restart_output_dir)//'ocean_solo.res')
write(unit, '(i6,8x,a)') calendar_type, &
'(Calendar: no_calendar=0, thirty_day_months=1, julian=2, gregorian=3, noleap=4)'

call get_date(Start_time, yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec)
write(unit, '(6i6,8x,a)') yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec, &
'Model start time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second'
call get_date(Time, yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec)
write(unit, '(6i6,8x,a)') yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec, &
'Current model time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second'
call close_file(unit)
! Write the ocean solo restart file.
call write_ocean_solo_res(Time, Start_time, calendar_type, &

if (is_root_pe()) then
do unit=10,1967
if (.not.unit_in_use) exit
call open_ASCII_file(unit, "exitcode")
if (Time < daymax) then
write(unit,*) 9
write(unit,*) 0
call close_file(unit)

call callTree_waypoint("End MOM_main")
Expand All @@ -656,4 +618,72 @@ program MOM_main

call MOM_end(MOM_CSp)


!> Write out the ocean solo restart file to the indicated path.
subroutine write_ocean_solo_res(Time, Start_time, calendar, file_path)
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time !< The current model time.
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Start_Time !< The start time of the simulation.
integer, intent(in) :: calendar !< A coded integer indicating the calendar type.
character(len=*), intent(in) :: file_path !< The full path and name of the restart file

! Local variables
integer :: unit
integer :: yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec ! Temp variables for writing the date.

if (.not.is_root_pe()) return

call open_ASCII_file(unit, trim(file_path))
write(unit, '(i6,8x,a)') calendar, &
'(Calendar: no_calendar=0, thirty_day_months=1, julian=2, gregorian=3, noleap=4)'

call get_date(Start_time, yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec)
write(unit, '(6i6,8x,a)') yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec, &
'Model start time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second'
call get_date(Time, yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec)
write(unit, '(6i6,8x,a)') yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec, &
'Current model time: year, month, day, hour, minute, second'
call close_file(unit)
end subroutine write_ocean_solo_res

!> Write out an ascii time stamp file with the model time, following FMS conventions.
subroutine write_time_stamp_file(Time)
type(time_type), intent(in) :: Time !< The current model time.
! Local variables
integer :: unit
integer :: yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec ! Temp variables for writing the date.
character(len=9) :: month ! The name of the month

if (.not.is_root_PE()) return

call open_ASCII_file(unit, 'time_stamp.out', action=APPEND_FILE)
call get_date(Time, yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec)
month = month_name(mon)
write(unit,'(6i4,2x,a3)') yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec, month(1:3)
call get_date(Time_end, yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec)
month = month_name(mon)
write(unit,'(6i4,2x,a3)') yr, mon, day, hr, mins, sec, month(1:3)
call close_file(unit)
end subroutine write_time_stamp_file

!> Initialize the ensemble manager. If there are no settings for ensemble_size
!! in input.nml(ensemble.nml), these should not do anything. In coupled
!! configurations, this all occurs in the external driver.
subroutine initialize_ocean_only_ensembles()
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ocean_PElist
integer, dimension(0) :: atm_PElist, land_PElist, ice_PElist
integer :: ensemble_size, nPEs_per, ensemble_info(6)

call ensemble_manager_init() ; ensemble_info(:) = get_ensemble_size()
ensemble_size = ensemble_info(1) ; nPEs_per = ensemble_info(2)
if (ensemble_size > 1) then ! There are multiple ensemble members.
call ensemble_pelist_setup(.true., 0, nPEs_per, 0, 0, atm_pelist, ocean_pelist, &
land_pelist, ice_pelist)
call Set_PElist(ocean_pelist)
end subroutine initialize_ocean_only_ensembles

end program MOM_main

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