Make sure you have virtualenv
and python 3.5+
This will activate the virtualenv and install the proper packages.
To then launch the jupyter instance use
jupyter notebook
And you should be directed to localhost:8888
- Models - The resulting generated models
- Utilities - Various tools such as visualization etc.
- Scripts - The scripts used for the project
- Datasets - The datasets used for the project
Various papers with code paperswithcode
Training GANs, Tips and Tricks
Might have to use a bag of words model or some other form of context presentation to simplify what the sentence says, look into this further.
To use jupyter notebooks, run this on the remote
david@torcher-vm:~/StackGAN-Pytorch$ jupyter notebook --no-browser
Then tunnel your connection through
david@fridge:~$ ssh -N -L localhost:8888:localhost:8888 david@<EXTERNAL_IP_OF_VM>
Then simply open a browser on localhost:8888
and provide it with the token that should be visible in the commandline window on the vm to connect.
The images are viewable in python notebooks and can also, be downloaded from there.
Girl holding cat stuffed animal
A little boy shows off his suitcase full of toys.
A man with a jackhammer demolishing cement.
Loss plot of training with the flickr30k dataset. 100 epochs.
Implement the correct loss functionIntegrate the text embedding into the discriminator