This plugin provides a generic string conversion operator. By registering some string conversion functions of your choice, you can call these functions as an operator.
- Neovim (
>= 0.9.0
or later)- It may work with Neovim older than that although not guaranteed.
- Run-time selection of which converter function to apply
- Supports dot-repeating
Register string converters you like using
.require("general_converter").setup { converters = { { desc = "Calculate as Vim script expression (e.g. 1 + 2 -> 3)", converter = function(text) return vim.fn.string(vim.api.nvim_eval(text)) end, labels = { "calc" }, }, { desc = "halve indentation", converter = require("general_converter.util").linewise_converter(function(line) local _, indent = line:find "^[ ]*" local indent_after = math.floor(indent / 2) if indent_after >= 0 then line = (" "):rep(indent_after) .. line:sub(indent + 1) end return line end), labels = { "indent" }, }, { desc = "double indentation", converter = require("general_converter.util").linewise_converter(function(line) local _, indent = line:find "^[ ]*" local indent_after = indent * 2 if indent_after >= 0 then line = (" "):rep(indent_after) .. line:sub(indent + 1) end return line end), labels = { "indent" }, }, }, }
Register some key mappings.
-- Choose converters from pre-defined ones vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x" }, "<Space>c", require("general_converter").operator_convert(), { expr = true }) vim.keymap.set("n", "<Space>cc", require("general_converter").operator_convert_line(), { expr = true }) -- Choose converters from pre-defined ones with label "indent" vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x" }, "<Space>i", require("general_converter").operator_convert "indent", { expr = true }) vim.keymap.set("n", "<Space>ii", require("general_converter").operator_convert_line "indent", { expr = true }) -- If there is only one converter labeled "calc", it is automatically selected vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x" }, "<Space>C", require("general_converter").operator_convert "calc", { expr = true }) vim.keymap.set("n", "<Space>CC", require("general_converter").operator_convert_line "calc", { expr = true }) -- Directly specify the converter local function my_converter(text) return text:rep(2, "") end vim.keymap.set({ "n", "x" }, "@r", require("general_converter").operator_convert(my_converter), { expr = true }) vim.keymap.set("n", "@rr", require("general_converter").operator_convert_line(my_converter), { expr = true })
Have fun!
require("general_converter").setup {
converters = {
desc = "half-width alphabets to full-width (abcABC -> abcABC)",
converter = util.charwise_converter(function(c)
local codepoint = vim.fn.char2nr(c)
local start_codepoint = vim.fn.char2nr "A"
local end_codepoint = vim.fn.char2nr "z"
if start_codepoint <= codepoint and codepoint <= end_codepoint then
codepoint = codepoint + 0xfee0
return vim.fn.nr2char(codepoint)
return nil
desc = "hexadecimal number to binary (5A -> 10100101, 0xA5 -> 0b10100101)",
converter = function(text)
local prefix = ""
if text:sub(1, 2) == "0x" then
text = text:sub(3)
prefix = "0b"
local num = tonumber(text, 16)
return vim.fn.printf("%s%b", prefix, num)
desc = "Title Case",
converter = function(text)
---@param word string
---@return string
local function capitalize(word)
local lower = word:lower()
local exception = {
if vim.list_contains(exception, lower) then
return lower
local new_word = lower:gsub("^.", function(c)
return c:upper()
return new_word
local new_text = text:gsub("(%w+)", capitalize)
return new_text