is a very simple Doclet that generates documents from JavaDoc comments in Markdown format.
It is suitable for MoneyForward's backstage!
Here is a rendered example of it:
# CLASS: `com.github.dakusui.mddoclet.example.ExampleClass`
Hello, I am the first example class.
こんにちは! How are you?
I am implementing `ExampleInterface`.
+ **SEE:
** [`ExampleInterface`](/Users/ukai.hiroshi/Documents/github/moneyforward/mddoclet/target/classes/JavaMarkdown//com.github.dakusui.mddoclet.example/ExampleInterface)
<a id="exampleField2"></a>
## **FIELD:** exampleField2
An example `int` field.
<a id="exampleMethod1"></a>
## **METHOD:** `String` exampleMethod1()
This is a method to return `field1`.
+ **RETURN:** a string value
Include following fragment in your pom.xml
<additionalOption>-overview ${project.basedir}/src/main/javadoc/</additionalOption>
<additionalOption>-d ${}/JavaMarkdown</additionalOption>
<additionalOption>--source-path ${}</additionalOption>
<additionalOption>-base-path /docs/default/Component/autotest-ca/3-APISpecification</additionalOption>
<additionalOption>-target-packages '.*#.*example.*'</additionalOption>
Do not forget you need to define the property: mddoclet-doclet-plugin.version
Then, do mvn clean package
It will generate documentation set generated from your JavaDoc comment for your classes whose pacakge name contains example
The generated files will be found under target/classes/JavaMarkdown
Absolute links to .md
generated by this doclet from your Java source files will have /docs/default/Component/autotest-ca/3-APISpecifications
before the path from src/main/java
You can learn how you can configure it and how generated looks like from the insdog project.