MongoDB based Jaeger storage
This Repository is NOT an officially supported MongoDB product
The jaeger-mongodb plugin uses the grpc storage architecture to interface with the query and collector services.
Docker images are provided that contain the jaeger collector and query components with the jaeger mongodb plugin included.
- Download latest version of Docker
- Download latest version of Go
- Download MongoDB-Compass to visualize documents in the database with ease (optional)
Install (if you haven't already) and run MongoDB locally using Docker:
- There are multiple ways to install mongoDB. In this guide we will be using a docker image:
docker run -p 27017:27017 mongo:4.4
- You can also run it in detached mode (with the -d option):
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 mongo:4.4
- There are multiple ways to install mongoDB. In this guide we will be using a docker image:
Download and run Jaeger's sample application HotROD (which we will be tracing with Jaeger later on)
docker run -it \ -p8080-8083:8080-8083 \ -e JAEGER_AGENT_HOST=<network_ip_address> \ jaegertracing/example-hotrod:1.22 \ all
where the current <network_ip_address> can be found with the following command:
ifconfig -l | xargs -n1 ipconfig getifaddr
Cd to the root directory (jaeger-mongodb) and run the following commands:
- Build main.go with the following command. By default, we will be running and storing traces in MongoDB locally.
GOOS=linux go build ./cmd/jaeger-mongodb
- Start Jager with the following command
docker run \ -p 5775:5775/udp \ -p 6831:6831/udp \ -p 6832:6832/udp \ -p 5778:5778 \ -p 16686:16686 \ -p 14268:14268 \ -p 14250:14250 \ -p 9411:9411 \ -v $(pwd):/app \ -e SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=grpc-plugin \ -e GRPC_STORAGE_PLUGIN_BINARY=/app/jaeger-mongodb \ -e GRPC_STORAGE_PLUGIN_CONFIGURATION_FILE=/app/configs/example-config.yaml \ jaegertracing/all-in-one:1.22
- Build main.go with the following command. By default, we will be running and storing traces in MongoDB locally.
- Note that example.config.yaml is just an example of how you could customize your configuration. For more details about configuration, please refer to the Environment Variables section.
In a separate terminal tab/window, start mongodb:
Now, you can open Jaeger (port 16682) and HotROD (port 8080) locally:
- http://localhost:16686 (Jaeger)
- http://localhost:8080 (HotROD)
You can then play around with the HotROD application, and the traces will be stored to the local MongoDB database that we previously set up. The traces will reflect in the Jaeger UI. If you have MongoDB compass install, you can connect to it to visualize the data.
- Below is a list of options where you can configure with the mongodb storage plugin.
- To customize any options, set the
environment variable to point to a config.yaml file with options (for example, refer to/configs/example-config.yaml
Configurable Options | Description | Default Value |
mongo_url |
The mongodb instance that you would like to use to store all the traces. | http://localhost:27017 |
mongo_database |
Name of the database that stores the trace data | traces |
mongo_collection |
Name of the collection in mongo_database |
spans |
mongo_timeout_duration |
The timeout duration for commands sent to mongo | 5s |
mongo_span_ttl_duration |
The duration where the trace data remains in the database | 336h |
otel_tracing_ratio |
Ratio of traces to sample 0.0 to 1.0. Tracing is disabled by default | 0.0 |
otel_exporter_endpoint |
Exporter endpoint | http://localhost:14268/api/traces |
- Note that all the options above can be passed in as environment variables as well, by capitalizing the options. For instance, you can rename the mongo database by passing the environment variable
MONGO_DATABASE: jaeger-tracing
. - For more information on jaeger environment variables or cli flags (e.g.
), please refer to the Jaeger CLI Flags Documentation.
- We have attempted to roll out archive storage capability using grpc plugin, but currently Jaeger UI does not have an easy way to tell whether traces have been archived or not. In addition, you can also archive the same trace for an unlimited amount of times, which could result in lots of duplicate data in the archive storage. Therefore we have decided to skip the feature at the moment.
This project is based on work from jaeger and jaeger-influxdb. Thank you authors!