Various utilities enhancing our Elasticsearch installation.
To create a release, just tag the commit with version number. The built files are available in the release.
git tag 1.1.0
git push --tags
./gradlew build -Pelasticsearch.version=$ES_VERSION
gradle test --debug
elasticsearch-plugin install file://$(pwd)/build/distributions/monitora_utils-*-SNAPSHOT-$
Analysis filter that converts to lowercase but keeps the originally-cased token in the stream as well.
Specialized stemmers
"filter": {
"lowercase": {
"type": "monitora_lowercase",
"preserve_original": "true"
"mczech_stem": {
"type": "monitora_czech_stem",
"with_asciifold": "true"
"mslovak_stem": {
"type": "monitora_slovak_stem",
"with_asciifold": "true"
"analyzer": {
"index": {
"type": "custom",
"tokenizer": "whitespace",
"filter": [