Think about such a scene, some object has different states or periods, well we call periods. Among these periods, there can be only one that could be the present period. For example, a human can only be in one period among baby, youth, adult, old man and dead.
So now not only can you get the exact period, but also await inside the period, await outside the period, await the instant when the object enters the period and await the instant when the object exits the period.
Remember to distribute different periods for one object.
For convenience, remember that the python codes below are extracted from this wrapper:
import asyncio
# As recommend, use uvloop
import uvloop
from AsyncGear import Gear,DataShine,run_when_enter, run_when_exit, run_when_inside, run_when_outside, when_enter, when_exit, when_inside, when_outside
async def main():
# This is the place where these codes are extracted away.
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# clear
to_cancel = asyncio.all_tasks(loop)
for task in to_cancel:
asyncio.gather(*to_cancel, return_exceptions=True)
So if you want to run these codes, you must wrap them back respectively.
Or if you are familiar with asyncio REPL(type 'python -m asyncio' in terminal for python3.8 and above), you can migrate these codes to run in a terminal.
pip install AsyncGear
This module provides methods as follows:
from AsyncGear import Gear, run_when_enter, run_when_exit, run_when_inside, run_when_outside, when_enter, when_exit, when_inside, when_outside
Gear is the core usage, which provides an interface for an object to manipulate the bounded gear.
# to be simple, the target object is a string
Gear('Tom').add_periods('sleep', 'awaken') # the first added period would be the default.
Gear('Tom').add_periods('sleepwalking') # add_periods could be dynamic.
# show the present period.
# show all possible periods
# beforehand wait the target time of the target period
async def wait_enter(gear: Gear, period):
await asyncio.create_task(gear.wait_enter_period(period))
print(f'enter {period}')
asyncio.create_task(wait_enter(Gear('Tom'), 'awaken'))
async def wait_exit(gear: Gear, period):
await asyncio.create_task(gear.wait_exit_period(period))
print(f'exit {period}')
asyncio.create_task(wait_exit(Gear('Tom'), 'sleep'))
async def wait_outside(gear: Gear, period):
while True:
await asyncio.create_task(gear.wait_outside_period(period))
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
print(f'outside {period}')
asyncio.create_task(wait_outside(Gear('Tom'), 'sleep'))
async def wait_inside(gear: Gear, period):
while True:
await asyncio.create_task(gear.wait_inside_period(period))
await asyncio.sleep(0.3)
print(f'inside {period}')
asyncio.create_task(wait_inside(Gear('Tom'), 'awaken'))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken'))
# stay in awaken for 1 seconds
await asyncio.sleep(1)
2021-01-05 17:15:23.600 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 17:15:23.601 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 17:15:23.601 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 17:15:23.601 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
dict_keys(['sleep', 'awaken', 'sleepwalking'])
exit sleep
enter awaken
outside sleep
inside awaken
outside sleep
inside awaken
outside sleep
inside awaken
Wait for the event that any period is set.
You could lock the gear period. If locked, the gear could no more be changed the period, or raise PermissionError. Of course, you could wait the gear unlocked.
import traceback
Gear('Tom').add_periods('sleep', 'awaken')
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken'))
async def wait2set_awaken():
await Gear('Tom').wait_unlock()
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken'))
await asyncio.sleep(1)
2021-04-13 12:05:06.650 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncPeriod:filled_slots_num:43 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<console>", line 2, in <module>
raise PermissionError('The gear is locked.')
PermissionError: The gear is locked.
2021-04-13 12:05:07.652 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncPeriod:filled_slots_num:43 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
Get the previously set period name, or None.
Gear('Tom').add_periods('sleep', 'awaken') # the first added period would be the default.
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken'))
2021-04-17 18:13:54.257 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncPeriod:filled_slots_num:45 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-04-17 18:13:54.258 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncPeriod:filled_slots_num:45 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
Get the UTC datetime when the present period is set.
Gear('Tom').add_periods('sleep', 'awaken') # the first added period would be the default.
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken'))
2021-04-17 18:23:02.738 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncPeriod:filled_slots_num:45 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-04-17 10:23:02.738709
2021-04-17 10:23:03.741432
2021-04-17 18:23:03.741 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncPeriod:filled_slots_num:45 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
When you no more need a gear, you'd better delete it to save RAM. Especially when you dynamically keep creating new gears, you must keep deleting the old gears.
Gear('Tom').add_periods('sleep', 'awaken')
DataShine is a class inherited from AsyncGear. It is designed to set a gear to bear data and notify all monitors.
ds = DataShine()
async def waiter(name: str):
for _ in range(3):
print(f'{name}:{await ds.wait_data_shine()}')
task = asyncio.create_task(waiter('John'))
task1 = asyncio.create_task(waiter('Tom'))
for i in range(3):
await asyncio.create_task(ds.push_data(i))
await task
await task1
You'd better delete the instance when it is no more used.
run_when_enter is to decorate a function or coroutine function to be run when just entering the designated period of the designated object gear.
Gear('Tom').add_periods('sleep', 'awaken')
@run_when_enter('Tom', 'awaken')
def enter_test():
print('synchronous callback')
@run_when_enter('Tom', 'awaken')
async def async_enter_test():
print('asynchronous callback')
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken'))
synchronous callback
asynchronous callback
2021-01-05 17:20:34.636 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 17:20:34.636 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 17:20:34.636 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
run_when_exit is to decorate a function or coroutine function to be run when just exiting the designated period of the designated object gear.
Gear('Tom').add_periods('sleep', 'awaken')
@run_when_exit('Tom', 'sleep')
def enter_test():
print('synchronous callback')
@run_when_exit('Tom', 'sleep')
async def async_enter_test():
print('asynchronous callback')
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken'))
synchronous callback
asynchronous callback
2021-01-05 17:23:13.993 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 17:23:13.994 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 17:23:13.994 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
run_when_inside is to decorate a function or coroutine function to be run when being inside the designated period of the designated object gear.
Logically, 'inside' is a time slot, so the condition is frequently awaited and the decorated is frequently run. To make sense, this must not happen. Therefore we set a 'queue blocking' style -- 'abandon', which means abandoning the new activated if the previous one has not completed yet.
'queue blocking' is talked later.
Gear('Tom').add_periods('sleep', 'awaken')
@run_when_inside('Tom', 'awaken')
async def inside_test():
await asyncio.create_task(asyncio.sleep(1))
print(f'inside awaken')
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken'))
await asyncio.create_task(asyncio.sleep(2.5))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('sleep'))
await asyncio.create_task(asyncio.sleep(1))
2021-01-05 17:38:29.518 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 17:38:29.519 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 17:38:29.519 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
inside awaken
inside awaken
2021-01-05 17:38:32.021 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 17:38:32.021 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
inside awaken
See? In 2.5 seconds, there could be only 3 inside_test run and when the period was set to 'sleep' the last inside_test had not completed yet.
You can understand 'run_when_outside' according to 'run_when_inside'
This decorator is similar to run_when_enter. However it is used in class definition.
class C:
def __init__(self):
Gear(self).add_periods('sleep', 'awaken')
def f(self):
print('synchronous enter awaken callback')
async def f1(self):
print('Asynchronous enter awaken callback')
def f2(self):
print('synchronous enter sleep callback')
c = C()
await asyncio.create_task(Gear(c).set_period('awaken'))
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await asyncio.create_task(Gear(c).set_period('sleep'))
synchronous enter awaken callback
Asynchronous enter awaken callback
2021-01-05 18:23:43.974 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <__main__.main.<locals>.C object at 0x7fcedae93350> to period sleep.
2021-01-05 18:23:43.974 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <__main__.main.<locals>.C object at 0x7fcedae93350> to period awaken.
2021-01-05 18:23:43.975 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <__main__.main.<locals>.C object at 0x7fcedae93350> to period awaken.
2021-01-05 18:23:44.976 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <__main__.main.<locals>.C object at 0x7fcedae93350> to period sleep.
2021-01-05 18:23:44.976 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <__main__.main.<locals>.C object at 0x7fcedae93350> to period sleep.
synchronous enter sleep callback
class C:
def f(cls):
print('synchronous enter awaken callback')
async def f1(cls):
print('asynchronous enter awaken callback')
def f2(cls):
print('synchronous enter sleep callback')
Gear(C).add_periods('sleep', 'awaken')
await asyncio.create_task(Gear(C).set_period('awaken'))
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await asyncio.create_task(Gear(C).set_period('sleep'))
synchronous enter awaken callback
asynchronous enter awaken callback
2021-01-05 18:29:28.379 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <class '__main__.main.<locals>.C'> to period sleep.
2021-01-05 18:29:28.380 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <class '__main__.main.<locals>.C'> to period awaken.
2021-01-05 18:29:28.380 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <class '__main__.main.<locals>.C'> to period awaken.
synchronous enter sleep callback
2021-01-05 18:29:29.383 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <class '__main__.main.<locals>.C'> to period sleep.
2021-01-05 18:29:29.383 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <class '__main__.main.<locals>.C'> to period sleep.
You can understand according to 'when_enter'
This decorator is similar to run_when_inside. However it is used in class definition.
class C:
def __init__(self):
Gear(self).add_periods('sleep', 'awaken')
async def f1(self):
await asyncio.create_task(asyncio.sleep(1))
print('Aynchronous inside awaken callback')
c = C()
await asyncio.create_task(Gear(c).set_period('awaken'))
await asyncio.create_task(asyncio.sleep(2.5))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear(c).set_period('sleep'))
await asyncio.create_task(asyncio.sleep(1))
2021-01-06 13:40:15.688 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <__main__.main.<locals>.C object at 0x7faba315e450> to period sleep.
2021-01-06 13:40:15.689 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <__main__.main.<locals>.C object at 0x7faba315e450> to period awaken.
2021-01-06 13:40:15.689 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <__main__.main.<locals>.C object at 0x7faba315e450> to period awaken.
Aynchronous inside awaken callback
Aynchronous inside awaken callback
2021-01-06 13:40:18.192 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <__main__.main.<locals>.C object at 0x7faba315e450> to period sleep.
2021-01-06 13:40:18.193 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set <__main__.main.<locals>.C object at 0x7faba315e450> to period sleep.
Aynchronous inside awaken callback
You can understand according to 'when_inside'
Decorators below have an optional parameter queue_blocking for the asynchronous decorated functions:
run_when_enter, run_when_exit, when_enter, when_exit
'queue_blocking' is to decide the style to run the decorated when the condition is high frequently awaited. For example:
@run_when_enter('Tom', 'awaken')
async def enter_test():
await asyncio.create_task(asyncio.sleep(0.1))
Gear('Tom').add_periods('sleep', 'awaken')
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken'))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('sleep'))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken'))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('sleep'))
await asyncio.sleep(1)
2021-01-05 18:53:05.436 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 18:53:05.437 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 18:53:05.437 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 18:53:05.437 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 18:53:05.437 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 18:53:05.438 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 18:53:05.438 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 18:53:05.438 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 18:53:05.439 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
We high frequently set 'Tom' to enter 'awaken', so enter_test was high frequently run for twice. But why we got only one 'enter' printed?
This is because run_when_enter parameter queue_blocking is set to 'abandon' as default, which means abandoning the new activated if the previous one has not completed yet.
If it is set to 'non_block':
@run_when_enter('Tom', 'awaken', queue_blocking='non_block')
async def enter_test():
await asyncio.create_task(asyncio.sleep(0.1))
Gear('Tom').add_periods('sleep', 'awaken')
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken'))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('sleep'))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken'))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('sleep'))
await asyncio.sleep(1)
2021-01-05 19:01:21.706 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 19:01:21.706 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 19:01:21.707 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 19:01:21.707 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 19:01:21.707 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 19:01:21.708 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 19:01:21.708 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 19:01:21.709 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 19:01:21.709 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
The two 'enter' were printed at the same time, because the twice enter_test run is non-block.
If it is set to 'queue':
@run_when_enter('Tom', 'awaken', queue_blocking='queue')
async def enter_test():
await asyncio.create_task(asyncio.sleep(0.1))
Gear('Tom').add_periods('sleep', 'awaken')
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken'))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('sleep'))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken'))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('sleep'))
await asyncio.sleep(1)
2021-01-05 19:04:03.460 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 19:04:03.461 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 19:04:03.461 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 19:04:03.462 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 19:04:03.462 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 19:04:03.463 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 19:04:03.463 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 19:04:03.464 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 19:04:03.464 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
The two 'enter' were printed one by one, because among the twice enter_test the latter is blocked by the former but enqueued to wait to run.
has a parameter -- slot_num.
Attention! Do not use it before you do understand the parameter!
This parameter is used in such a scene, object 'Tom' enters 'sleep' activating 2 friends to be ready to call him 'awaken' 9 hours later. So 9 hours later, 'Tom' would have to be set twice to 'awaken' then could really be awaken. It's hard to awake him, haha.
slot_num means that only after slot_num times Gear(obj) .set_period(period_name,slot_num) call with the same parameters, the period of Gear(obj) could really be set to period_name, which is interrupted if among these times set_period run, the same period_name with a different slot_num is given. Then the procedure for period_name is refreshed, the count would be reset. For demostration:
Gear('Tom').add_periods('sleep', 'awaken')
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken', slot_num=2))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken', slot_num=2))
2021-01-05 19:18:36.340 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 19:18:36.341 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 19:18:36.341 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
See? Twice 'set_period' set period to 'awaken' finally.
Gear('Tom').add_periods('sleep', 'awaken')
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken', slot_num=2))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken', slot_num=3))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken', slot_num=3))
await asyncio.create_task(Gear('Tom').set_period('awaken', slot_num=3))
2021-01-05 19:21:32.711 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period sleep.
2021-01-05 19:21:32.713 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
2021-01-05 19:21:32.713 | DEBUG | AsyncGear.AsyncGear:_set_obj_period:74 - set 'Tom' to period awaken.
'slot_num=2' is interrupted and the count is reset.