Compa is a Mate Panel Applet that can display the standard output of any command on the panel.
In addition it is able to show the output of a different command in its tooltip and launch another command when clicked.
Compa text style can be modified using Text Attribute Markup Language.
Many thanks to Ofer Kashayov for having designed the original version for the now obsolete Gnome 2 desktop.
- $ git clone
- $ cd compa
- $ ./ --prefix=/usr
- $ make dist
Then find the tarball compa-*.tar.gz in the current directory.
- Download, gunzip and untar
- $ cd compa-*
- $ ./configure --prefix=/usr/
- $ make
- $ sudo make install
- Restart Mate
- Add to panel
- rpmbuild -ta compa-*.tar.gz
echo "<span font=\"mono\" size=\"200%\" color=\"#11FF11\">`date +%H:%M`</span>"
echo "<span font=\"sans\" color=\"#6699FF\">`date +%a`</span>";
echo "<span font=\"sans\" color=\"#6699FF\">`date +%b\ %d`</span>"
echo "<span font=\"courier bold\">RF `free -m | awk '/Mem/ {print $4}'`M</span>";
echo "<span font=\"courier bold\">DF `df -h | awk '/ \/$/ {print $4}'`</span>"
echo "<span font=\"serif\" color=\"#461850\">`/usr/sbin/ifconfig | grep -A 1 '^br0:' | awk '/inet / {print $2}'`</span>";
echo "<span font=\"serif\" color=\"#492950\">`/usr/sbin/ifconfig | grep -A 1 '^virbr0:' | awk '/inet / {print $2}'`</span>"