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Privilege Escalation

Mark Yen edited this page Mar 7, 2022 · 2 revisions

Privilege Escalation

Rancher Desktop has various needs to run as a privileged user, typically platform-specific:


  • (Installer) Install WSL
  • (Installer) Update WSL kernel
  • Writing to C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
  • Custom networking?


  • Install vde_vmnet tools
  • Run vde_vmnet tools (sudoers file)
  • Create /private/var/run/rancher-desktop-lima
    • This gets deleted every boot
    • Use /var/run directly, with prefix?
  • /etc/paths.d management
  • Create docker socket symlink
  • Self-updating of setuid helper
    • Are the SUSE certs (per-dev) using the same cert?


  • Create docker socket symlink
  • Custom networking

Desired State

  • Privilege escalation is only needed at install time
    • For macOS / Linux AppImage, this may be an optional component installed separately.
  • The application can still run without privilege escalation with a reduced feature set.
    • E.g. fall back to SLIRP-only networking on macOS.

Implementation Strategies


  • Only applicable on macOS / Linux
  • Issues around conflicting sudoers configuration
  • Not great for admin access


  • macOS only
  • Single prompt to install
  • socket activation
    • include which interface to use in the request?
  • Convention seems to be to drop the executable in /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/
  • Maybe use SMJobBless instead?

Privileged helper

  • macOS/Linux: setuid binary
    • Need to hard-code things, but should be safe with adequate checking
  • Windows: privileged service
    • Requires Administrator access to install
    • Also need it for uninstall
  • Needs to grant privilege escalation every time RD updates (new binary)


  • Ignore Windows for now
  • Make lima.ts fall back when no privileged access
  • === release checkpoint here ===
  • Temporarily introduce a (hidden) setting to disable privileged access
  • Use a setuid helper on macOS / Linux
  • Hack up lima to not use sudo
  • Remove setting, check setuid bit on helper instead