Good news! I started a new
project xkeysnail, which provides you a
key-configuration functionality on every application (including Firefox and
Chrome) on Linux (it's like AutoHotKey on Windows). This frees you from
limitations of web-browsers that prohibits you to override keys such as Ctrl+n
and Ctrl+p
In combination of Vim-oriented browsing-addons such as Surfingkeys (BTW, this add-on is a way better than old-style KeySnail I feel), xkeysnail provides you a better browsing experience as in KeySnail, I believe.
Since Firefox 57 dropped several important features required by KeySnail (or Vimperator), there is no chance to migrate KeySnail to Firefox 57+ for now.
The most important feature, which has been unfortunately dropped in Firefox 57+, is API for overriding browser-level shortcut keys. See for details. Since current API only allows content-level shortcut keys, KeySnail doesn't work in most of the places including location bars, search field, and so forth.
If you want to keep using KeySnail, I recommend using Waterfox instead of Firefox. Several KeySnail users have already reported that they are enjoying Waterfox.
Another option is to switch to other add-ons that still work in Firefox 57+. I tried several add-ons and personally recommend Surfingkeys, which is highly extensible and has sophisticated APIs.
Thanks for using KeySnail! Without your encouraging reactions, I couldn't enjoy such a long-time lasting development.
KeySnail is an add-on for Mozilla Firefox that aims to be a competitor and lightweight alternative to Vimperator. Unlike Vimperator, KeySnail provides comfortable browsing experience for Emacs users, but its target users are not limited to.
See for details.
- Update the package version by
./set_version_info.rb X.Y.Z
- Rebuild the package by
- Sign
file in - Replace
with signed one, and update hash information inupdate.rdf
- Update signature information in
for auto-updating bymccoy
- Push changes to GitHub