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Dima Vyshniakov edited this page Oct 8, 2022 · 2 revisions

Quickstart Redux Create React App template

Opinionated quickstart Create React App (CRA) template with Redux, React Testing Library, eslint and stylelint configurations.


I use Create React App pretty much often. But I hate to write same boilerplate code to make Redux working and configure some other useful stuff again and again. This template contains test and eslint configurations and Redux boilerplate code, required for rapid start of your fabulous project.

Due to CRA template limitations (we can change only scripts and dependencies inside generated package.json) all configuration is done by adding config files where possible.


  • Handles all modern JS features.
  • Includes working example Redux store configuration, features, reducers, action creators and tests.
  • Husky for git hooks.
  • Eslint and stylelint.
  • Jest and react-testing-library for testing.
  • Supports CSS modules, SASS/SCSS, Less and PostCSS.



├── .env # dotenv config file
├── .eslintrc # eslint configutation
├── .lintstagedrc # lintstaged configutation
├── .nvmrc # required Node version
├── .prettierrc # prettier configutation
├── .stylelintrc # stylelint configutation
├── # this file
├── # original Readme from CRA
├── .gitignore
├── .huskyrc # husky configuration
├── jsconfig.json # absolute path configuration
├── public # public assets
└── src
    ├── components # React components folder
    ├── config.js # shared config file
    ├── features # features logic folder
    ├── index.css
    ├── index.js # entry point file
    ├── serviceWorker.js # service worker boilerplate
    ├── setupTests.js # configuration ti run jest tests
    ├── withProvider.js # utility to generate Provider components
    └── withReduxFeatures.js # Redux store HOC