A backend API for recipe creation, fetching, and modification
Set your preferred port in .env
along with username and password to your MongoDB database.
Implemented features are marked done, the rest is TBD. With only limited time, the missing features will not be complete before the next code review.
- CRUD API for recipes
- OpenAPI at root of API
- Enable Docker build (Containerfile)
- CI build
- CI test (simulated)
- CI publish
- Test API
- Recipe search
- All variables type annotated
These are currently knows limitations, which should be fixed before actual use.
- No tests: I need to read up on testing frameworks in TypeScript; a fake test is part of the GitHub CI Workflow.
- Searching: Only works if database has been set up with text indices for all fields, except
: OpenAPI description of the APIGET /recipes
: Fetch all recipesGET /recipes?text={term}
: Fetch recipes containingterm
POST /recipe
: Create a new recipeGET /recipe/{id}
: Fetch recipe with given idPUT /recipe/{id}
: Update recipe with given idDELETE /recipe/{id}
: Delete recipe with given id
The following needs to be defined in your .env
: The port the API listens to, e.g. 8080DB_CONN_STRING
: Database URL ->mongodb://<database-username>:<database-password>@
: Name of the recipe collection, e.g.my-recipes
Ensure you have npm
installed, then run:
npm run dev
Now you can develop, and the API server should restart automatically.
With npm
npm run build
npm run prod
With Docker/Podman (I use podman):
podman build . -t recipe-api
podman pod create --name recipe-pod -p 7000:7000
podman create --pod recipe-pod --name mongo --env-file .env mongo:latest
podman create --pod recipe-pod --name recipe-api --env-file .env recipe-api:latest
podman pod start recipe-pod
Now you can connect on localhost:7000