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Getting Started: Android

morganericsson edited this page Mar 21, 2013 · 8 revisions

Download and Setup

You find everything you need to download and setup the Android SDK at the Android Developer Site. Select Develop and then Tools to find the Downloads.

You can choose to either use a Eclipse, integrate into an existing IDE or just use the command line tools. Pick whatever you prefer, but if you are unsure, go for Eclipse (the UI makes certain things easier).

Follow the instructions, and if you have any problems ask your friends, check the resources at the end of this page or contact Morgan or Emil.

Do not forget to create a virtual device (AVD). We find that simpler models (such as the Nexus S) perform better, so if you think the emulator is unacceptably slow, pick a simpler model. Also make sure to enable snapshots or just leave it running all the time when you are working. The emulator is slow to use, and slow to start, at least on my (Morgan) Macs.

Your first application

You are now ready to create your first app! You can either follow along the lecture video, clone the morganericsson/AndroidExamples repository, or follow the excellent guides under Training at the Android Developer Site. Mix and match as you prefer. If you run into any problems, check with friends, check the resources at the end of this page, or contact Morgan or Emil.

Now what?

When you are done messing around with the guides and supplied examples, it is a good idea to look at some of the features that we did not discuss during the lecture. You will need to understand how to work with database (SQLite) and connect to resources over a network connection (web sites, databases, etc.) for the project. You should also look at fragments and intents and how these can help you build more interesting apps.

Useful resources

Here are some resources that we (Morgan and Erik) find useful. Feel free to add anything you think should be on this list.

There are many video tutorials and web courses on Android development. I (Morgan) have no experience with any of these, but based on a quick look, Android Bootcamp 2012 looks good.