Write stitched words like T-H-I-S or define stitched sequences like heh-heh-heh
- letter: the letter or word to fingerspell
- delimiter (optional): the character or word to join stitched letters with, defaults to -
- Stitched capital letter alphabet
- {:stitch:A}{:stitch:B} → A-B
- Joining repeated words
- {:stitch:ha} → ha
- {:stitch:ha}{:stitch:ha}{:stitch:ha} → ha-ha-ha
- Custom delimiter
- {:stitch:lol:o} → lol
- {:stitch:lol:o}{:stitch:lol:o}{:stitch:lol:o} → lololololol
- count (optional): number of previous words to stitch, defaults to 1
- delimiter (optional): the character or word to join stitched letters with, defaults to -
- Stitch last word
- this is a test{:stitch_last_word} → this is a t-e-s-t
- Stitch last 2 words
- my name is John Doe{:stitch_last_word:2} → my name is J-o-h-n D-o-e
- Stitch last word with custom delimiter
- I'm feeling fabulous{:stitch_last_word:1:✨} → I'm feeling f✨a✨b✨u✨l✨o✨u✨s
Here is a fingerspelling dictionary so that you can stitch in capital letters, like when someone is spelling out a name:
"A*FPLT": "{:stitch:A}",
"PW*FPLT": "{:stitch:B}",
"KR*FPLT": "{:stitch:C}",
"TK*FPLT": "{:stitch:D}",
"*EFPLT": "{:stitch:E}",
"TP*FPLT": "{:stitch:F}",
"TKPW*FPLT": "{:stitch:G}",
"H*FPLT": "{:stitch:H}",
"*EUFPLT": "{:stitch:I}",
"SKWR*FPLT": "{:stitch:J}",
"K*FPLT": "{:stitch:K}",
"HR*FPLT": "{:stitch:L}",
"PH*FPLT": "{:stitch:M}",
"TPH*FPLT": "{:stitch:N}",
"O*FPLT": "{:stitch:O}",
"P*FPLT": "{:stitch:P}",
"KW*FPLT": "{:stitch:Q}",
"R*FPLT": "{:stitch:R}",
"S*FPLT": "{:stitch:S}",
"T*FPLT": "{:stitch:T}",
"*UFPLT": "{:stitch:U}",
"SR*FPLT": "{:stitch:V}",
"W*FPLT": "{:stitch:W}",
"KP*FPLT": "{:stitch:X}",
"KWR*FPLT": "{:stitch:Y}",
"STK*FPLT": "{:stitch:Z}",
"STKPW*FPLT": "{:stitch:Z}"